Whats the best adventure game u have played?
shadow of modor :afraid2: :fight: :afraid2:
does RPG count? if so Chrono Trigger
Breath of the Wild. Sigh: Link takes my breath away.
Gothic & Oblivion. Skyrim wasn't that bad too ;D
Zelda: BotW and Link to the Past
Seems like noone knows what an adventure game is.. :whistle:
Also, the Monkey Island series do it for me. -
Ocarina of Time will always be my favourite one.
What counts as adventure?
Hopefully these count:
Favorite is Ocarina of Time with honorable mentions to Final Fantasy IX, Breath of the Wild, and Chrono Trigger.
"The Longest Journey" and "Dreamfall". Though "Dreamfall Chapters" was not up to the standard.
Red dead 2 story and persona 5 my depression went off the charts when I finished them
Space Quest III
Monkey Island - all of them -
Uncharted 4
I don't play adventure games so often, so I will say that's Morrowind III ;D