Definition of Fascism
LOL, ok.
Your news sources suck if they keep things from you, but you clearly like that.
As usual, you have no clue about what is going on, so you claim it's a CT. You refuse to learn what is being said by people. If the news goes against what you believe, it's junk news.
So, you are from Australia. Whoopee.
So me asking you to provide me the proof you claim, is me also refusing to learn what is being said by people… right...
You do realise your logical inconsistencies just make your arguments look poor, your so-called knowledge look non-existent and your general world view look uneducated and uninformed? Do you realise that?
Please provide the evidence I've asked for or stop making spurious, silly claims. Or you can continue to look bad and make your side look bad in the process.
My news sources don’t keep things from me - but then again, they don’t make stuff up either like the news sources you listen to so avidly.
And no, I’m not from Australia... shows how little you know about the world, yet again
This reminds me of what I said earlier.
Most of the public does not see most of the dirty.
Every source you can possibly read, even the conspiracy, far left, far right, and other news sites, does not share or report everything because not everything is brought to light or leaked to them. Some news is actually faked or generated for specific purposes, down to a fine art.
Nobody will know the whole truth. Some of it is not worth knowing, and some of it will get one or many killed. Those in power can control some of the flow and ebb, but only some.
Don't put all of your eggs (trust/beliefs) in one basket.
I’m not really sure this is helpful, to be honest. Or true…
Why do you believe this? Have you had evidence to support that this is the case? I would welcome seeing that!
News outlets (real ones, with credibility... not hacks pretending to be news...) are under pressure to find these sorts of hidden things out and expose them. They’ve done this quite a few times in the past... even on places like Wikileaks (whose entire purpose is to expose these sorts of things!).
I struggle to believe there’s this whole shadow world that just no one knows about except for the people in it (and, presumably, all the people close to it?) and that shadowy world is so effective at keeping things from the rest of us that no one, no where, at any point or time, has leaked anything about it. I mean we had Snowden, for heaven sake... he let something out that’s pretty horrendous that the American government was perpetuating on the population. And he was not only able to share that, but leave the country with vast amounts of its secrets and travel to 2... how to say it... less on-side countries! And is still alive.
Of course there is one way you could find out about all this stuff for sure... go work for the government/go into politics. Then you would have to know, surely? Why don’t you do that?
So, you are from Australia. Whoopee.
You know… had to think about this more to realise it... but this is just sort of typical of where you’re at and what you don’t understand.
I explained to you something that shows, without any doubt, that your way of labelling and describing this is silly and is making you look like a fool.
Your response?
Surely you must realise that by taking that response... you are admitting you didn’t understand what I said (maybe? Happy to explain further for you, if that would help!) or you can’t... because the rest of your knowledge is so deficient you can’t actually understand these things (maybe akin to explaining general relativity to a child...).
Those are your only two options... that’s it. That’s all you can come away with this from...
So, do you want me to explain it further to you? Why calling people liberal doesn’t mean what you’re trying to make it mean? That saying that all groups of all of those people are the same, is literally nonsense? I’m very happy to give you a 101 in politics and how it sits together, if you would like it.
Not going to happen, Calatar. You must think I'm very young and have not been anywhere yet.
The more I've seen, the less I know. Pales in comparison to my partner who has held security clearances in the past.
There's no shadow world, just reality (often filtered or changed) and a lot of people (including me) only get to see a small portion of that in a lifetime. Some of what is seen is often not realized for what it is. Ha, I'm starting to sound like a conspiracy nut myself.
Do believe in what you want to, as everyone needs their own straws to reality and their fairy tales. This will never be a sane world.
Not going to happen, Calatar. You must think I'm very young and have not been anywhere yet.
The more I've seen, the less I know. Pales in comparison to my partner who has held security clearances in the past.
There's no shadow world, just reality (often filtered or changed) and a lot of people (including me) only get to see a small portion of that in a lifetime. Some of what is seen is often not realized for what it is. Ha, I'm starting to sound like a conspiracy nut myself.
Do believe in what you want to, as everyone needs their own straws to reality and their fairy tales. This will never be a sane world.
Oh I see! Sorry, I think I misunderstood what you were referring to.
Yes, I’m sorry - it did sound sort of conspiracy theory-esque! But what you were meaning is that we all just only get to experience a small amount of all the stuff that happens to happen in our world within the confines of our lifespan… which I couldn’t agree more with.
I’m a bit of an experience nut... so I go out and seek experiences, as much as possible (no, not in the climb Everest, BASE jumping sort of way!). I’ve had a number of different and fun ‘careers’ in my life so far... and about to embark on a new one. Exciting! Can’t wait
I hope you’ll continue to find and explore the world as much as you can too. And even better you can do it with your partner! (I’m the one who has held the highest level security clearances in my relationship...
The risks of Covid-19 has slowed us down quite a bit in that regard - we want to stay alive and well to enjoy more. This current downtime is one of the main reasons I've been spending more time on this site lately.
Stay safe when you start your next chapter
Completely understand that.
You too - stay very safe when you start moving in the world again!
Why should I have to provide the most educated, clued up person on the planet anything? You should already know it from your perfect news sources. You don't need lil ol me and my crappy CT fake news sources to tell you anything since you already know it all.
Ok, let's try AOC and the Squad, Clinton's Labor Sec Robert Riech, MSNBC's Chris Hayes, Bill Kristol, Salon, CNN, and many others have called for lists to be made of Trump supporters or Truth and Reconciliation commissions. Actors have called for McCarthy type blacklists for Trump supporters. There are several videos on YouTube showing actual video of people saying this shit or showing their social media posts.
Countless blue check marks have said this shit and yet you never heard about any of it. HMMMMM.
I think the main problem is that a majority of these parties and politicians make false promises in hoping that they may get a chance at the spotlight. A majority of changes happen usually throughout several years, but what's surprising is that people believe that action will be taken immediately, which can, but just saying. It's a process that has to undergo multiple situations.
Why should I have to provide the most educated, clued up person on the planet anything? You should already know it from your perfect news sources. You don't need lil ol me and my crappy CT fake news sources to tell you anything since you already know it all.
Ok, let's try AOC and the Squad, Clinton's Labor Sec Robert Riech, MSNBC's Chris Hayes, Bill Kristol, Salon, CNN, and many others have called for lists to be made of Trump supporters or Truth and Reconciliation commissions. Actors have called for McCarthy type blacklists for Trump supporters. There are several videos on YouTube showing actual video of people saying this shit or showing their social media posts.
Countless blue check marks have said this shit and yet you never heard about any of it. HMMMMM.
Sigh… again, more whataboutery...
No... let’s not try a bunch of other claims because you can’t prove the first one that you’ve made.
Why do you need to prove your claim? Well, you don’t... but then... no one will believe you and we’ll just think you’re a conspiracy theory nutter. Up to you!
So, I would recommend proving each claim you make... fully... one at a time... without resorting to making more new claims. As those prove nothing!
I think the main problem is that a majority of these parties and politicians make false promises in hoping that they may get a chance at the spotlight. A majority of changes happen usually throughout several years, but what's surprising is that people believe that action will be taken immediately, which can, but just saying. It's a process that has to undergo multiple situations.
Yes, this exactly…
Sadly politicians, in order to get elected, need to make unrealistic promises to the electorate. And the electorate than feels aggrieved when those promises prove to be undeliverable.
The ones that are worse are the ones which promise blatantly disprovable things... verses the ones who promise at least something which is deliverable, albeit very difficult.
I would say the other issue is that the electoral systems of places like the USA and the U.K. actively encourage people to not engage with the system. Add to that the education system doesn’t teach civics any longer, so people don’t know what their civic duties are within a democracy... and then add to that people not understanding that politics is about compromise... and voila. You have the crazed group in the USA who think Trump was going to be their saviour... and who are now sad and angry... and the likewise crazed group in the U.K. who were promised a Brexit promised land which can never occur.
I hope we can grow passed this... but suspect well end up having to live through some pretty awful times (when viewed through history) before we have fixed these things enough that they no longer affect us.
AND AGAIN, you claim I am uneducated and uninformed, while you are uber educated and uber informed, but you have no clue about any of this.
Your shitty news sites didn't tell you about this, but you could use different news outlets, but you reject them because they don't gel with your leftist agenda. Don't give me that sht that you are center-right because your posts show you clearly aren't.
AND AGAIN, you claim I am uneducated and uninformed, while you are uber educated and uber informed, but you have no clue about any of this.
Your shitty news sites didn't tell you about this, but you could use different news outlets, but you reject them because they don't gel with your leftist agenda. Don't give me that sht that you are center-right because your posts show you clearly aren't.
And yet again you lie and make up what I’m saying… please quote me where I say you’re uneducated and uninformed? Please quote me where I say I’m Uber educated and Uber informed? Please... just once...
For everyone else, they can see I’ve not made these claims - and have instead asked John to prove just one of your many many many claims... just one... so that I might believe you have any credibility at all.
You refuse.
Instead you will bring up many more claims, then claim I don’t believe your ‘news’ sources...
Well, here’s the thing... I don’t believe any news sources. At all. I use my capability to analyse and think to judge whether a news sources is valid. I check the sources. I check the story. I check everything I can.
This is why I’m asking you for the proof of one of your claims.
And no (and I really shouldn’t have to spell this out for you...) repeating something over and over doesn’t make it true. Nor does listing a whole bunch of other claims that you like to make, make any of them true - let alone the first claim you make.
The sad thing is, I read and source my news from a great many outlets - left and right. But you don’t want to believe that because the few sources of truth you cling to like to tell you that anyone who disagrees with you or them... is left-ist and “low information”.
The reality is you’ve got no clue at all whether what you’re taking in is true or not... you simply believe. And so when confronted by those of us who demand evidence, your tiny world can’t handle it and all you’ve got is some very pathetic attempts to insult people and try and belittle their knowledge... which only does one thing, every time you do it: prove you know nothing at all about what you speak (the only claim I’ve ever made here about you!)
You claimed Tucker Carlson of being low information news.
He was one of the places that showed the videos and social media posts of the liberals saying these things, that your "news" didn't talk about.
You claimed Tucker Carlson of being low information news.
He was one of the places that showed the videos and social media posts of the liberals saying these things, that your "news" didn't talk about.
Finally! So now you're telling me where you got your garbage news from… and what you're referring to.
So yes, Tucker Carlson did indeed show this (thanks Google!) - and... guess what... exactly as I said, it's a few people saying this sort of crap.
Utterly utterly meaningless... apart from it shows those people to be idiots.
What I was hoping for here was something a bit more impressive from you... something like, I don't know, a really senior liberal leader calling for this with 100m followers.
Instead, you've shown me a bunch of Twitter trolls...
Congratulations on proving my point.
So if you're sooo overly offended and upset by a bunch of idiots making stupid claims, then I would recommend you step back from your computer and get a bit of a better grip on reality. What you've done is get upset over the equivalent of someone like you making silly claims... almost exactly like you do on this forum all the time. There's no conspiracy... indeed nothing much for you to be concerned over at all. So calm down.
You claimed Tucker Carlson of being low information news.
He was one of the places that showed the videos and social media posts of the liberals saying these things, that your "news" didn't talk about.
And, just out of curiosity… what exactly do you think I lied about? That I get my news from multiple sources? And you think I'm lying because I think Tucker Carlson is "low-information"?
Just out of curiosity, how do you think I worked out that he's not very credible or capable? I guess you think everyone else just does what you do and believes a single source of information all the time... well, sorry, most intelligent people don't. We get our information from lots of sources - and so we can easily tell when one source is particularly bad. Does that mean we don't use it? No, of course not. But I won't waste much of my time on it... as it is a waste for anyone to spend time on Tucker Carlson.
LOL, you could have easily googled it.
You'd find more than just Tucker, but you are a lazy leftist.
For someone who thinks he is so uber intelligent, you only view news sources that tell you leftist lies. If you were so uber intelligent, you would follow your own advice and watch new from a variety of sources and you might have known about this before me posting about it.
For someone who thinks they are so uber intelligent, you are one massive dumbass.
This is the guy you don't care about, while you cry over me calling that bitch "fat".
I don't really trust Tucker, but he's not a news anchor, he's the host of an opinion segment. The difference is that on CNN, the opinion people think they decide the election, they were exposed for hyping Covid fear with Project Veritas playing clips of their CEO Zucker. What CNN is doing is propagandizing the virus to close down all the small businesses so that big corporations can gobble them up and the elitist, globalist powers behind Biden can destroy this country and turn us into slaves. That's what they're doing, and that's what they've stated on record, but you aren't paying attention. Big Pharma is playing a huge part in this Covid scare, just to make money. It's so obvious that if you can't see it, you're blind. Quit evading from the subject matter Calatar. You aren't discussing "Definition of Fascism," the topic, at all, as usual. These Covid mandates and the vaccines are the beginning of the end for mankind as a free people. That, is fascism. You don't have anything even remotely interesting to add to the topic, just a bunch of bickering and nonsense points that have nothing to do with the subject being discussed.
Tucker shows the proof, unlike leftist "news".
The BBC is horrific leftist shite, throughout all of its programming.
If you want semi-real news, you need to read/watch local stuff because the national stuff is crap.