Anyone here struggling with depression?
How do you cope honesrly?
I don't cope. I think about suicide all the time. Including now.
I hate being black and gay, and not having anybody to turn to, and no boyfriend. I really wish I had a boyfriend. I hate being alone.
Fuck. I'm just impatient and done. Ugh.
Seeing a psychiatrist and taking meds would be a fair decision, which I've been meaning to take. Will act on it next month with the help of a friend with whom I've been discussing my depression for years. That's me, it might work for you as per your dynamics too.
well I "cope" by seeing a shrink since Im 16 and meds since Im 18 .
Coping skills vary from person to person. Talk to a friend, find a hobby play with a pet, talk to your parents/counselor/psychiatrist/etc. For me it was music, listening and creating it while talking to my friends and letting them know i was not in a good place.