Moonbats in 2018… on a path to extinction
This forum is like a microcosm of the outside world.. sort of like a barometer of moonbat activity.
I have noticed a dramatic trend both here and in the "mainstream media" in that the moonbats have gone almost completely silent. Their childish and nonsensical attacks keep being turned upside down, being discredited, backfiring, etc. I notice that on sites such as Twitter, prominent moonbats used to post 100 times as much of their drivel as they do now. Many of them go MONTHS without posting anything, whereas they used to post several messages per DAY.I have one good analogy for this phenomenon. Trump is like the real credible teacher / authority figure, takes charge after an inneffective substitute has been occupying the position for the past 8 years (Obama). Moonbats would prefer the whole world to be an anarchist playground.
However, I think the moonbats will eventually win. Trump's goal is to "Make America Great Again". While he has and will continue to improve the country for the next 7 years, there is no way that he can fix this country. He can only delay the inevitable. If Hillary had been elected.. this country would be in a state of total chaos right now.
There is now talk of Joe Biden running for president in 2020. In 2020.. Joe Biden will be 78 years old! Biden has already run for president TWICE.. and failed miserably - not even getting past the primaries.
Here's the really sad part. The idea is that whether a republican or democrat gets elected, EITHER one will be a good leader. It should be like choosing between vanilla or chocolate frosting for a cake. Instead, the democrats are hopelessly overrun by insane liberal moonbats.. and the republicans can't get their act together.. so instead we have an outsider who is not a politician as president. Trump is doing a great job.. however.. electing Trump had many elements of a 'Hail Mary' risk.
At least the FBI has been exposed as being corrupt and dysfunctional.