Study: Gay couples are vastly happier than heterosexual couples.
I believe it's true. First of all gay men are far more open and honest about things, and most of the most successful relationships are not strictly monogamous my own included. We play with others, but right now at least only together. Lack of fire in the sheets is a cause of a lot of divorces. Secondly, gay men don't typically rush into relationships - well not nearly like hetero couples tend to. LOTS of bed hopping is normal for most gay guys, let's face it - women in particular even now in 2018 don't normally get that kind of latitude without a lot of really unkind blowback. So they wind up marrying the first goofball to whip out a ring with a WHOLE lot of unanswered questions. Then everyone is all shocked when 3 years in she gets busted fucking his best friend lol. Personally I don't believe man was meant to be monogamous.
Not surprising. Think of all the unhappy couples that stay together for the kids. We don't have that problem as much.
I think that hetero married couples go into things with insanely unrealistic expectations to begin with. There is much truth to the adage "Men get married hoping she will never change, women get married CERTAIN she can change him." I have seen it first hand, and when the latter doesn't pan out as she hoped the discord begins. Gay men aren't stupid like that, we pretty much know that what we see is what we got.
Most hetero men wind up looking for some version of their Mom, because they want to be taken care of. The odd part about that is no matter how dysfunctional that woman was - they usually wind up with a very close facsimile. I have a high school friend who married a crazy bipolar bitch just like his Mom. Women have a different yard stick, they are all convinced they can mold men into what they want.
Add 2 or three screaming brats, a quarter measure of in-law turmoil, 1/3 measure of fiscal stress freshly squeezed from "keep up with the Jones's", top it off with a sprinkle of un-fulfilled dreams and broken promises and VOILA! You have the typical "American dream". What cracks me up is that people find this somehow surprising.
He was a pig who couldn't find her "G" spot with both hands and a flashlight before she said "I do", now she managed to SHOW him it's location, but he is no longer interested as the minute he said "I do" she pulled the ripcord, and her inner fat girl came tumbling out. She packed on 95 lbs of "baby" weight, her boobs look like a pair of blown out speed bags, and that sexy belly button ring is now enveloped in a ton of stretch marked flab, and her once snug little pussy looks like a scene from "Alien".
He on the other hand assumed his rightful place on the throne in front of the TV, his once svelte mid section hanging over his old sweat pants, he works a job he has come to hate, only to come home to the mayhem and a stack of bills. He can't be bothered to pick up the toy collection he walked over, or the mess he left on the end table from the day before - his Mom handled it just fine, she had better too. He will pull his least dirty clothes back out of the dirty laundry rather than actually washing a load, he will sit and stew over his disillusionment while watching gay porn. The American dream.
By the way lol, THAT was my older adopted sister's description of her first marriage (I added the gay porn thing lol). She is now on number 5, with 4 kids by two husbands, and 2 tummy tucks and a boob job later I am seeing signs that 2 years in number 5 is about out of runway - I expect once he pays for her butt lift he is toast.
HOW could anything be wrong? :crazy2: :cheers:
This looks like something worth investigating
probs cause of more sex lol
would have been ideal if males can bear a child but that is not the way nature is.
probs cause of more sex lol
That's only a small part of it.
The overall reason is the gender similarities between men or women. We see an example in communication style.