Is this fair? Separate set of laws for government?
If you commit a crime upon someone who is a government employee, the penalties are substantially greater. Why?
In many states, you can find out who owns what property (houses) and other personal information… except if that person is a government employee.. then their identities are not revealed in government records. Why should the addresses of government workers be hidden?
I just saw a report on TV which says you can legally bring a gun into churches if you have a gun permit for concealed weapons.
Guess where you CAN'T bring weapons? Into GOVERNMENT buildings! Why should they be exempt?Sheik Obama declared a minimum wage for all federal government workers of $15 an hour. Why should federal government employees have special laws that only apply to them?
Police are almost always exempt from any criminal charges... and instead complaints are diverted and buried by "Internal Affairs". Why? Police get away with breaking pretty much any laws. Why? "Do as I say.. not as I do..."
Why not just be honest and pay government employees three times as much as they would get paid in the private sector, make them exempt from laws, and protect only them?
Barney Frank explained the difference in laws by saying that you don't want people to commit violence against elected officials to get their way.
In the UK, there are literally 2 different workplace laws.
The various "national" governments have workplace rules, but the rest of us have workplace laws. Did you catch the difference?