The true legacy of Sheik Osama…
I have often considered that the worst thing Sheik Barack Osama did was double the national debt by adding $10 trillion to it (while incredibly at the same time having a stagnant economy! )
BUT, that is not his true legacy. Obama deeply changed this country - at least temporarily - perhaps permanently. Before Obama, this country was far more moderate and balanced. Obama allowed the left to grab power and establish their lunacy in the country - and they are not letting up. I think that time will restore some sense back to the country. Hopefully, Trump's health will remain strong, and he will run for a second term.Obama made the USA a haven for left wing ideology… so far left that nobody could fill the role of left-wing grandmaster.. not even crooked Hillary - because Hillary was Obama's opponent in 2008. Hopefully Jerry Brown won't try running for president again. Jerry is already that is doubtful.