So what if men's lives R ruined by false sexual harrassment claims- Emily Lindin
What a bitch… and Emily Lindin writes for Teen Vogue magazine - which teaches teenage girls to be promiscuous and seduce older men who would get arrested for rape for having sex with underage girls.
Recent articles in Teen Vogue include: everything about anal sex; young (underage) love (sex); and how to GET a prom date (make sure you offer at least a blow job bitch.. corsages are NOT cheap!). On the topic of proms and sex.. you can just imagine how many girls have had their fantasies set on going to the prom... they get all dressed up like a fairly tale.. get that limousine.. get drunk.. get fucked... and the next day the boy is not interested in you anymore... so.. in an attempt to regain your self-dignity.. claim that the prom night fuck was rape! (hey! I could write for Teen Vogue magazine!)
Thankfully, as of November 2017.. Teen Vogue is no longer available in print. It is only offered online.
Anyone still wonder why I hate vaginalists with a passion?
The cunts and their cucks don't give a fuck about gender equality. Hell, they fucking hate men and advocate for some evil shit against men, while playing the victims.
Not surprisingly, not a single leftist is condemning this cunt. Go figure.
It tells me that they support her bullshit.