Things women don't lie about: rape
According to Lena Dunham, women never lie about rape, unless they accuse a friend of hers, then they are lying cunts who need to be dealt with.
Of course, this comes from a woman who confessed to molesting her sleeping sister while she fingered herself.
This shows what the left is all about.
I would love to see the cucks grow some balls and try to justify this shit.
They won't because they can't.
Surely they would try to pull off some half assed apology which would then give a 180 degree turn to some nonsense and finally they would try to point the finger to… PATRIARCHY.
If you were offered 3.5 million for your life story, and even part of you hoped that it would be interesting enough to warrant a followup, I'm sure you too, would have confabulated some kind of salacious story from your past to sell copies of it. That's called paying the bills.
Lena Dunham selling a horrible book of B.S. is not your problem.
Is that how you are gonna justify what she wrote in her book?
"She didn't really molest her sleeping younger sister while she fingered herself, she just said that to sell books". You people are unreal.
I bet if someone on the right said that, you'd be bleeding from your ass you'd be so butthurt.
Is that how you are gonna justify what she wrote in her book?
Because Lena Dunham is the ultimate judge of Lena Dunham's actions, she's the only one fit to offer up justification. The irony here is that you wouldn't have been demanding justification had the right wing media kept their mouths shut about the story.
Lena Dunham's molestation story serves as example for a very sound argument that you have made before in the past — that the media brings up and then focuses on the most absurd topics possible. I suspect if the right wing media outlets who have been screaming about her book would have just ignored it and not made it into such a big deal, no one apart from a few random lesbians in Mendocino Valley would have even noticed the thing.
This shows how the media fascination with reporting garbage is a fault shared both by the right as well as the left.
So, let's get this straight.
You are blaming the "right wing" media because she wrote a book bragging how she would molest her sleeping younger sister while she fingered herself.
I also noticed that you have kept away from her claims that women never lie about rape unless they accuse a friend of hers, then they are lying cunts.
BTW, she has bowed to pressure and has now thrown her friend under the bus and sided with the accuser.
You gotta love the mental gymnastics of the leftists to justify all the crazy shit from their side.
Also, don't you fuckin' dare disagree with me, I'm trans. I haven't decided exactly what kind of trans, but I'm trans. So know your place and check your privilege.
You are blaming the "right wing" media
Close, but I'm blaming all the media. That shouldn't be too difficult for you to grasp, for it's a tune you've sung many times before. In fact, there seems to be sometimes a disconnect from the raphjd I'll speak to on one day, as opposed to what you've expressed before on the subject. It's as if your a different person sometimes. The "other" Raphjd has been very vocal on this subject. I think it might be instructive to speak, through the forum logs, to that other raphjd. He might be able to make more sense of this topic. So allow me to summon him to join us now.
Other raphjd! we need your guidance and your wisdom…. If you can hear us, answer me here.... We're talking about the corrosive and exploitation-based aspects of popular media..... What is your take on this, on what the media are after, in instances like this?
All of this was planned for effect and the media jumped on it like a gold digger on a cock made of $100 bills.
Hmmm, interesting. And so what about this so called rape by Lena Dunham? Apparently shes said that she was responding to her sister sticking rocks in her vagina, and that no assault ever happened. Lena chose to discuss this episode of her life in her new book and yet, people condemned her. Who would you suggest that we believe? Is Lena's sister a victim?
When we go with the JUST BELIEVE concept, we end up with the shit we have been seeing over the last 20 year of false rape claims blowing up in international media.
Wow that is really surprising! What sort of things have happened to people accused of assault?
People's lives were ruined by "just believe".
"Take back the night" girl claimed she was raped and named the supposed rapist. She only changed her tune when he sued her. She now claims that she got caught up in the moment and wanted to join in. She doesn't believe she should be held responsible for falsely claiming he raped her and how that ruined her life.
Mattress Girl had her claims of being raped dismissed by the police and even the college which is extremely anti-male thanks to the Obama administration's "Dear Colleague" letters. However, she was still allowed to drag it out with her mattress girl routine.
Duke LaCrosse players are still stained by the false rape claims by a hooker/stripper who lied for whatever reason.
The head of the IMF (Strauss-Cohn [sp?]) was brought down and totally ruined by a gold digging bitch. She was recorded talking to her boyfriend, who was in jail at the time, talking about extorting money from Strauss-Cohn in exchange for dropping the rape claims. The rape never happened, but it ruined him.
Wow, those are some pretty sobering stories. It sounds as if a person like Lena Dunham, an admittedly oddball-type girl who's just trying to pay her mortgage, is being silenced. The media doesn't understand what shes trying to communicate, and in turn, don't want other people to read her book, so they construe her words to sound like rape. What do you think about people like Lena who are being treated this way?
Throughout the west, we have criminalized speech. In most of Europe, it's illegal to cause offense. Canada has gone a similar way. US cities and states are too.
If they don't like what you said or might say, they believe they are fully within their right to physically assault you. Clearly, the opposite does not apply.
So tell us Raphjd, what should we do when we hear instances of people in the news being accused of sexual crimes?
Let's ignore that mainstream media, the DNC, social media, western government, etc, etc, etc, etc, etc all enforce this shit.
So I guess what you're saying is that for us, a story like Lena's shouldn't be a problem ?
I'm sorry, but none of that makes any sense, except for the fact that you are seriously deflecting from the point.
You would have a fricking cow if Lena Dunham was a right winger and sais/did this crap. Hell, that canker interviewed Hillary. It shows what the entire left is all about.
If Lena wasn't in the media spotlight, you leftists would be having a hissy fit about that, because she's famous and a leftist.
I can't say I'm surprised at the lengths the left will got to protect one of their own.
I'll leave it to you, the resident expert on Lena Dunham's book and her life.
Are you really that dumb and clueless?
The UVA frat had $25k worth of damage to their frat house.
Duke LaCrosse got kicked out of college and had to endure a trial.
The Take Back The Night guy was banned from going back to college. I don't know how far his lawsuit has gotten.
That's a lot more than your precious Lena Dunham.
I know you don't care about the victims of false rape claims. We talked about a guy who was falsely convicted and just recently let out of prison after 49 years. But fuck him, right? After all, vagina.
Wait, you defend just believe, then you defend Lena not just believing. You, leftists, are messed up.
Lena isn't being silenced, no matter what Don Lemon tells you. She's being shown for the extreme hypocrite that she is.
WOW, talk about mental gymnastics.
You want from sex crimes, to free speech rules in various countries. WFT do they teach leftists? You honestly sound like those Antifa twats who have no answers for anything, so they just ramble on about shit.
Ah, so Lena can molest her sister because she's got a vagina and she's leftist. So I guess the pussy pass is extremely strong on the left. You know, the party of vaginalism (the lie about gender equality).
It's extremely sad to see how desperate you are to protect you darling little victimized leftist incestuous child molester who's a massive hypocrite about sexual assault.
i have found that females are natural born liars, which is what makes them such good actresses. They are so delusional, they even believe their own fantasies and lies.