Opression - SJWs vs reality
When we go with the JUST BELIEVE concept, we end up with the shit we have been seeing over the last 20 year of false rape claims blowing up in international media.
YouTube's main "just believe" advocate, Lacy Green, never got into trouble for raping over 4 million people. We were ignored. Many of us got threats directly from YouTube over our claims. They threatened to ban our accounts if we continued the claims against Lacy green. SJW YouTube protected a mass rapist, despite being publicly supportive of "just believe".
As we saw with "Jackie" at UVA, the entire frat was demonized, their frat house had $25,000 with of damage done to it. No one from UVA or the press apologized for the lies. The frat had to pay to fix the damage to their frat house. The faculty that wrote that horrible letter demanding that the entire frat be expelled from UVA, doubled down once the truth came out. They wrote another letter demanding that the entire frat be expelled even though they were innocent to show that they support expelling rapists.
In the opening post of this thread, I listed some cases where "just believe" totally failed society. People's lives were ruined by "just believe".
"Take back the night" girl claimed she was raped and named the supposed rapist. She only changed her tune when he sued her. She now claims that she got caught up in the moment and wanted to join in. She doesn't believe she should be held responsible for falsely claiming he raped her and how that ruined her life.
Mattress Girl had her claims of being raped dismissed by the police and even the college which is extremely anti-male thanks to the Obama administration's "Dear Colleague" letters. However, she was still allowed to drag it out with her mattress girl routine.
Duke LaCrosse players are still stained by the false rape claims by a hooker/stripper who lied for whatever reason.
The head of the IMF (Strauss-Cohn [sp?]) was brought down and totally ruined by a gold digging bitch. She was recorded talking to her boyfriend, who was in jail at the time, talking about extorting money from Strauss-Cohn in exchange for dropping the rape claims. The rape never happened, but it ruined him.
I was also jail immediately, rather than the police waiting to see what the CCTV showed. Thankfully, I was cleared before the press got ahold of the story. In the UK, rape claimers are protected from the press, even when they are proven to have lied. The accused (read; MEN) don't have that protection. Their name is only released once (but not always) it's decided to prosecute them. I'm under a lifetime gag order from revealing the name of the woman who the police proved lied about me raping her. I can get up to 10 years in prison if I do.
Throughout the west, we have criminalized speech. In most of Europe, it's illegal to cause offense. Canada has gone a similar way. US cities and states are too.
Just because no one NYC has been prosecuted under the law, does not remove the fact that they put it into law.
People all over the left have defended "punch a nazi".
If they don't like what you said or might say, they believe they are fully within their right to physically assault you. Clearly, the opposite does not apply.
The left believes it's ok to attack ANYONE who might be the enemy. Smugglypuff did this. After the incident at the college campus, she attacked a retired couple who were out walking their dog nearby. Not surprisingly, Smugglypuff has a bit of history before this. She false flagged her high school with hate graffiti. She was only prosecuted for attacking the retired couple. Again, not surprisingly, in court, she was a girl, not the trans boy she usually claims to be. I guess she wanted to take advantage of the female oppression of lighter sentencing.
The left claims the moral high ground, but have to hide their faces.
An entire political party is based on SJW, BLM, Feminist and other leftist policies. How is that an "outlier"? Europe is filled with that crap, how is that "outlier"?
Hillary and her supporters made some of the most hateful claims against the people who didn't support her. You couldn't support her because of her policies (past and present), it could only be because you are sexist, racist, homophobic, etc, etc, etc, etc etc. You know, a "deplorable". Madalien Albright famously said that anyone woman who didn't vote for Hillary would burn in hell.
The white woman who ran for Chair of the DNC said she would "shut white people down" if she was elected chair. Everyone, including those running against her, applauded this.
In the UK, it's illegal to discriminate against people based on race and sex/gender (and some other aspects). HOWEVER, we have several cases where the Crown Prosecution has no problem as long as the victim(s) is white males (hetero or gay, it doesn't matter). This was famously made clear by the college "diversity" officer who posted the sign saying something like "all welcome, except white males" with a picture of her next to it pretending to cry.
Sweden brought in Affirmative Action to benefit women where they were under-represented. A few years ago their supreme court said AA must also benefit men where they are under-represented, so Sweden got rid of AA.
Scandinavian countries stopped recording the race/origin of criminals to keep people from seeing the obvious trend.
In a lot of Europe, it's illegal to disagree with the official narrative of the WW2 holocaust.
As we know, you can deny the Armenian genocide (a jew invented the word based on Armenia) and create a "news" channel based on the group that committed the genocide; The Young Turks. You can be Armenian and cuck to the Turk who runs the channel and denies the genocide his people committed against your people.
You are in a Catch 22 when it comes to Israel. You are either an anti-semite or an islamophobe. Oddly, Semites are not just jews, but the people of that region (jews and muslims), but that's another topic.
Prior to the freaks coming out to cause problems, there wasn't an issue with trans-SEXUALS using the bathroom that matches them.
NO, trans trenders, gender terrorists and the rest of the assclowns had to kick off because they wanted to be special.
Leftists threw real trans people under the bus, to pander to these freaks.
NO. It's not mainstream. It's just a few outliers.
Let's ignore that mainstream media, the DNC, social media, western government, etc, etc, etc, etc, etc all enforce this shit.