Hiroshima and Nagasaki are THRIVING (Oh but cancer?) Nope.
The idea that there were Nukes dropped on these cities is Hollywood GARBAGE. The videos are TOTALLY fake news. They were big TNT explosions and they said that nobody could live their for half a million years. It's a fraud.
The elements are valuable, so they have to fear-monger everyone into this whole Rense.com crap "alternative" news, so they can monopolize them. The whole garbage is a proven fraud.
The infamous scientist Galen Winsor literally ate Uranium in front of people on his tour and swam in radioactive plant pools and never got cancer. The whole idea is garbage. Get it straight people! They are fooling you in every way they possibly can.
Take a look at Hiroshima and Nagasaki today:
The idea that nuclear bombs went off and they are "dead zones" is total garbage.
Have you ever been here? Anywhere?
I was serious before. I will pay your airfare to come and swim in the nuclear fuel pool.