Moonbats blaming Trump for Harvey and Irma..
first. the facts..
The oceans are as deep as 36,200 feet
obviously, sea level isn't going to remain exactly the same year after year…
so, over the past 24 years, how much do you think the sea level has changed?
pause here and think about that.
hint... the sea level has risen...
the moonbats are saying that the sea level has risen because of global warming...
the moonbats are saying that hurricanes Harvey and Irma were made worse because of the rising sea level...
the moonbats claim that over the past 24 years, the average sea level has risen a whopping 1/4 of a foot! 3.4 inches! OMG!!! RUN FOR YOUR LIVES!
The oceans are up to 434,400 inches deep.. and the moonbats are going hysterical because they have risen a total of 3.4 inches over 24 years!I'm amazed that the oceans have risen so little!
Of COURSE there is climate change, but what is the cause? Change in orbit? Closer to the Sun? More solar activity?
I have researched this before, and the affect that man has had on the CLIMATE is virtually NOTHING! Furthermore, the impact that man has on the climate is not from carbon emissions but other things.
That is not to say that carbon emissions are not bad. They contribute to pollution, etc. BUT they have virtually nothing to do with climate change. -
Compare the rate of temperature increases and sea level increases with the rate of debt that Sheik Osama accumulated during his 8 year occupation of the White House. Obama increased that debt nearly 100% in just 8 years. The rate of climate change and tides over that period is virtually nothing.. far smaller than the record low 3% economic growth rate of Obama's reign.
So.. what is the issue that is the bigger concern?
That is like the difference between a mosquito bite and falling into a wood chipper. Or burning the roof of your mouth on hot pizza compared to being thrown into a volcano.
You may be thinking I am exaggerating.. but at the same time the moonbats are bitching about Trump wearing the wrong hat to visit victims of Hurricane Harvey.. or what 150 year old statues are sitting in parks that nobody goes to or cares about… the moonbat fake news media ignores the fact that Kim Dung Poon has ICBM's cable of reaching anywhere in the USA within 40 minutes. Nukes 8 times as powerful as those used in WW2, and is vowing to use them on the USA, Guam, South Korea, and most recently said they will sink Japan into the Ocean! OOOH! but that HHHHHAAAAATTT that Trump wore!
Meanwhile, Hillary Clinton is still condemning everybody for her presidential loss. So, Hillary's legacy will be being married to a man who was constantly banging other women.. and things like Benghazi. She must be so proud! I didn't even mention her dog-faced daughter.