About Bernie's crazy healthcare proposal…
Bernie Sanders has an idea for healthcare that is essentially forcing everybody to pay into a system which is just like Medicare.
First of all, government is horrible at providing health care.. just look at the VA system as an example.
Medicare is also a disaster. It is a massive sea of bureaucracy, with substandard care, and good doctors don't work with medicare.Anyway, Bernie's plan would cost $1.8 trillion per year. That is $5600.00 per year for every man, woman, and child in the country. Since there are only 85 million people in the country who are earning an income, that comes to over $21,000.00 out of every yearly paycheck. In other words, it is a sure way to bankrupt the country.
People on medicare aren't getting it for free. They spent a lifetime paying into social security / medicare… and only when they get to be elderly do they get any benefit from it. This year, my father got a $1320 increase in his benefits.. however $0 of that went to his social security checks. that is how much his medicare payment went up!