Liberals have LOST.
Liberals are literally trying to obliterate law and order in this country, the REASON immigrants want to come here. Obama was NOT born here. That has been proven. Is there a single liberal on here that actually will debate that? Nope. They won't debate. They have nothing to say. All of you liberals are so shameful, so disgusting, so ridiculous, so pathetic, so cowardly, and so idiotic that you cannot debate ANYTHING. It's beyond absurd. You have shown yourselves to be total losers and cannot grasp simple concepts. You simply hit and run like crying babies. It's the most pathetic crap I've ever seen. You literally have nothing to say, no message, no hope, total apathy, and a total attack mode philosophy that doesn't work. You are on total defense. You don't have any good stories. You have no good news. There is no good news for liberals. You are dead in the water.