Suggestions For a Decent NFO Creator/Maker Software That Works Here
Tried several such as Coolbeans/NFOpad/NFOlux and all I get is a "Puke" response when checking my carefully constructed NFO file.
What gives? -
Nevermind. I now see that NFO viewing is a deprecated function here.
Yes… Sadly, there were some users who were uploading the .torrent file with their passkey in the field for the NFO file. The result was that it was creating a potential security hazard for our users, so we disabled its functionality until a permanent fix can be rolled out. The only "problem" as it were is that there have been higher priority things to get done before being able to visit this feature again, largely due to the lack of its seeming lack of popular interest.
All things considered, I guess NFO files here are frivolous. This is not a "scene" hub. ::)
All things considered, I guess NFO files here are frivolous. This is not a "scene" hub. ::)