Mueller Hires Hillary Donors to Fill His Attack Squadron
Mueller has only hired Hillary donors to group think an attack on our President. It's not going to work. But they'll keep getting paid millions to keep the investigation open and running out of your pocket so they can make more money, even though there is no evidence, never has been, and never will, and instead they will continue to point the finger away from Hildabeast.
Everything has consequences… for instance.. with Herr Mueller and his storm troopers working on trying to find something - anything to attack Trump with, that makes it difficult if not impossible for Mueller's boyfriend James Cummy to make any significant statements in his book.
By the way, it should be illegal for any public official to write any book for at least 5 years after leaving office - if ever.By the way.. Mark Fuckaburger of Facebook is also hiring Hillary's top campaign people. There is no way that jerk would ever become president because so many people hate Facebook and it's gestapo policies.