Thanks for NOTHING Obama!
Obama was supposed to be the savior of those in need of financial assistance and healthcare.
However, in his 8 years instead of:
Healthcare costs going DOWN.. they have SKYROCKETED!
Food Stamp assistance going up.. they have gone DOWN!
Social Security benefits increasing.. they have stayed the SAME (and if you factor in cost of living - gone DOWN).Just this week, I was looking at my father's social security payments and I was confused. I had previously gotten a letter saying he would be getting $110 a month in cost of living increase.. but I noticed that he's getting the same as he was last year. I contacted the Social Security people and found out why. Although he DID get an $110 a month cost of living increase.. he also got an additional $110 a month taken from his Social Security checks to pay for Medicare Part B! So.. ZERO increase! (actually a loss because of cost of living).
Healthcare costs were already astronomical when Sheik Obama began his occupancy of the White House in 2008. The idea was to bring health care costs D O W N… instead, they have skyrocketed! Thanks for nothing Obama!
I tell black people that I hate Obama.. and that he didn't help black people at all as it was expected he would. I tell them that Obama is half white, and it is that evil white half that screwed them over! Damn that white devil Obama! (actually.. Obama doesn't give a damn about white or black people.. his buddies are muslims)
I guess that all US presidents have to follow a certain guidance by US agencies..