Hitting a woman
Hi guys. How do you feel towards hitting a woman. Did you ever have a situation like that in your life?
I'm sure we all as boys had fights with each other it's kinda natural even with siblings, but did you ever hit a chick?I came to conclusion for this topic cause I had a weird situation last weekend. And I was wondering about that, is there a line ? Does a man's patience has its edge ? Does being gay changes the rules somehow?
For me it doesn't. A man is a man. Gay or not. I try to follow that rule and that's what I also require from my partners. I also believe that violence isn't an option. But here in Poland some say you can never hit a woman. But you can beat the whore : D I know how stupid it sounds and I just don't agree with it but what if someone really crosses the line?
The situation I'm talking about had place at my female friend's birthday. One chick brought another because she didn't want to go alone or smth. We've seen her once in out lives and the party was more like a close friends circle. Well firstly the chick totally got drunk. Then she was really flirting with every guy. She told both sisters (one of which hosted the party) that they blow everyone. Well one of them (which is older and had birthday) was like whatever she's drunk but the other one stormed off the apartment and almost ripped me in half when I tried to calm her. Yeah she was drunk too, but she is my friend. Then the girl started to get in between her and her boyfriend and get all nosey in their relationship and told my friend to "use her mouth more often". She spent almost half an hour on molesting me. She touched me all the places, put her face in mine, she fucking put her fingers in my mouth and I thought I'm gonna fucking choke. And I'm dead serious now. She slipped her hand in my pants. Only at the very top of it cause I pushed her away. That's all I did. I didn't hit her I just pushed her and tried to deflect her attacks. She gave me a time out after all but God that was hard. Traumatizing too. I was like you can do whatever you want but then she called my friend again, she called her "slut" "cunt" and things like that. That's not what I can take. I'm like "stay the fuck away from my friends guy", so I got really pissed. I knew that's a girl but I guess I had some problems with patience and aggression in the past so I was trying to be really calm and acted like it but inside I was like "I wanna beat the shit out of that bitch". That's really what I thought. I never thought I can be tired of or hate a woman like this. I just love girls but this one was really horrible.
So how about you? Did you have any stories when you were pushed to the limit and really almost blew up ?
It's like the old joke, women deserve equal rights…and lefts
No but seriously, if a woman is being physical, she should expect that a man can defend himself with force. Women generally are physically weaker, so one should never go overboard. A lot of domestic violence seems to have an alcohol component as well.
I'm an egalitarian. I don't generally get physical with anyone, but if push comes to shove (literally), I have no qualms about hitting a woman specifically. If a woman slaps me, I'm 100% guaranteed to slap back. Being born with a slightly smaller frame is not an excuse for behavior that is by all rights inexcusable.
If I would hit a man for something, I'd hit a woman for it too. To my mind, anything else would be hypocritical of me. For those who would judge me harshly, I'd urge you to remember that giving someone special treatment is exactly the same as saying 'you need to be treated differently because you are inferior'.
Everything is cool with personal defense. Break her nose and incapacitate the perpetrator, be it male or female :police:.
It depends on the situation. To defend someone weaker…say a woman is beating up an old person or a child, knock her ass out if you have to.
If she is endangering you? Use force if necessary. If she's being drunk and stupid, use restraint, a man can do real damage to a woman in a fight (unless she's like Chyna and he's a little twink) I don't care what anyone says, we are not equal when it comes to physical strength and toughness. I'd never hurt a woman unless I had to. -
Dude, what you described is flat out sexual assault. Go to the police.
I basically try not to hit people in general…men or women....
unless the situation calls for it..theres no need....but always try and take yourself out of the situation....thats the 3rd option -
Nope, would never hit a woman unless under extreme duress. You can grab her wrists to stop a punch, and then leave the room or area. In the situation you describe I would have called the cops and had her ass booted. You had plenty of witnesses as to what was going on.
Police are going to laugh at the notion of a man being sexually assaulted by a woman…double standards but that's the world we live in...
Police are going to laugh at the notion of a man being sexually assaulted by a woman…double standards but that's the world we live in...
exactly he would be ridiculed
Police are going to laugh at the notion of a man being sexually assaulted by a woman…double standards but that's the world we live in...
Not where I live. But I wasn't thinking of that– I was thinking of getting the police to throw her out instead of doing it himself, which might put him at risk of vengeful accusations. Seriously, any woman can say you hit her or were otherwise violent even if it isn't true and authorities will believe the woman over you in most cases. So I am suggesting to call police before things get out of hand and let them handle the situation.
Yeah, but would anyone of you IRL actually call a police to a house party with few friends and that one random woman ? Really ? Would you ? Haha, and don't just see me as some kind of a pussy. I could handle, though I'm on a break right now I work out 4-5 times a week but she was just so damn aggressive. And since I was laying on the bed the options were kinda limited I would just hide in the sleeping bag most of the time
Why my friends didn't help me is because actually only 2 people seen what she's doing.
And another thing started, YEAH. I was talking about the thing after the exam. There was 3 girls left so we all went for a dinner and I told them about it and they were laughing. I said why are you laughing? It's not funny. And the discussion started, cause rape on a man is so funny. I just wonder if I went to a park in a night and a guy would walk by and I would rape his fucking ass if that would be funny too or not. I don't know. Is it only about the woman-on-man rape ? Because everybody thinks that guys are straight and they always want to fuck everything that moves so a girl can't rape a man. But of course a man can't touch a woman because that's molesting already. Like this is the world we live in, right. So much for a gender equality lol
don't get me wrong I'm not mad at female gender or smth, I love girls and I am myself a strong independent woman. But let's face it, we're not and we'll never be treated equal so. Enough with feminist bullshit.
I basically try not to hit people in general…men or women....
unless the situation calls for it..theres no need....but always try and take yourself out of the situation....thats the 3rd optionThat would be the best option..
If it's for self-defense, sure. If you're coming after me violently and viciously, I don't care what sex you are…I will still fight back and hit you.
I certainly won't go out of my way to hit a woman (or a man for that matter).
If it's for self-defense, sure. If you're coming after me violently and viciously, I don't care what sex you are…I will still fight back and hit you.
I certainly won't go out of my way to hit a woman (or a man for that matter).
So, you suggest only for hitting back and not starting the whole scene..
Did I understand correctly?
she will get two hand mark on her face as a gift in here memory for longtime I don't hit woman, but I can warning her by my way
Well, i never hit anyone except when i was a child and not understand what i'm doing, and when I went hand-to-hand fighting. I never wanted to hit anyone, but when I hear such a story I really want do this regardless of sex. But females always have more rights in court. I'm not sure what I'll do if I meet it irl.