Obama is his hero - but hates Obamacare
Obamacare is without a doubt, the single biggest accomplistment / disaster of Obama's 8 year long regime.
A certain celebrity is constantly posting crap praising Obama and demonizing Trump.
He launched a major attack upon Trump's health care plan.
I responded to him, in my typical astute manner of presenting undeniable facts.
The celebrity replied to me, saying that while he likes Obama, he does not like Obamacare!Uh, how is that possible? That doesn't add up!
That is like saying, "I love hamburgers, but I don't like meat". -
Shame on all those bleeding heart liberals for trying to give people healthcare. They should have been spending their time giving tax breaks to the rich!
I responded to him, in my typical astute manner of presenting undeniable facts.
the more i read your posts, the more i think you're like a live shitposting art installation. it's baffling
Shame on all those bleeding heart liberals for trying to give people healthcare. They should have been spending their time giving tax breaks to the rich!
Actually, people should not be forced to purchase health care that they often don't want or cant afford. Obamacare did nothing to lower healthcare costs, in fact, the health care costs skyrocketed. Insurance plans cover little to nothing when it comes to vision, hearing, dental - which affects everyone.
Obamacare was a huge failure, yet the democrats didn't want to let it go, nor did they do anything to fix it. Now that it is going away, they are doing nothing to work on or support a replacement healthcare system.
Personally, I wish the government would just stick to lowering healthcare costs, and preventing malpractice and fraud. If I want insurance, I would like the option to pay for it or not. I don't call requiring people to purchase health insurance or get penalized heavily on their taxes as providing healthcare. I call that extortion and coercion.
It also nauseates me that so many women equate "healthcare" with having subsidized abortions. … not so healthy for the baby.
I responded to him, in my typical astute manner of presenting undeniable facts.
the more i read your posts, the more i think you're like a live shitposting art installation. it's baffling
I'm surprised that you can read.
Liking Obama and not liking Obamacare is a huge deal?
Liking a politician does not necessarily mean you automatically need to like everything he/she does. If you are on automatic "I like that" for every action of a politician then you probably are not really looking at him in any other way than hero worship or worse, you hate the opposing team more so just let your "side" go untethered and with no consequence
Trump has a few supporters like that and so did Obama - makes no sense to me.. it is very unlikely that an individual will actually like EVERYTHING either of these men has done.. you may have a preference based on ideals/actions/promises but noone is perfect.
Can you honestly say you like EVERYTHING Trump has done or is promising? I doubt it
The celebrity replied to me, saying that while he likes Obama, he does not like Obamacare!
Uh, how is that possible? That doesn't add up!It is a concept very foreign to you, called being able to think for yourself.
That means it is possible for someone to agree with someone else on some issues, and not on others.
Mindless partisan drones like yourself can only do one of two things- blind obedience to your leaders, or total demonization of the opposition.
For people like you, it is impossible for you to agree with Obama on anything, or disagree with Trump on anything. -
The celebrity replied to me, saying that while he likes Obama, he does not like Obamacare!
Uh, how is that possible? That doesn't add up!For people like you, it is impossible for you to agree with Obama on anything, or disagree with Trump on anything.
That is not true at all. Obama didn't really do anything other than Obamacare and gay marriage, so it's difficult to agree with someone who did nothing.
As for Trump. There most certainly are things I don't agree with him on.
He praises and trusts cops WAY too much. Most cops are scum, or at least stick up for other cops who are scum - making them scum as well.
Trump is too soft with the media and with his actions. Instead of SAYING he will do things, and then kicking them around for months, hs should just do them. For instance.. when the media acts like a bunch of 4 year olds at press briefings, he should simply say "no more press briefings until I get some apologies from the media"
With North Korea, that situation is a ticking time bomb that will have to be addressed sooner or later. Better to do it sooner than wait of that whacko Kim JungUn to nuke somebody or sell missles and nukes to terrorists or Iran, etc. I don't think there will ever be a better time to deal with NK than NOW. NK has been blackmailing the rest of the world for several decades.
Regarding these states with sanctuary cities. Cut off federal funds for various things until they comply with the rules of the rest of the country.Trump gives too many explanations. The libtards don't believe his explanations and tear them down, so why give them explanations to begin with? He didn't need to give any reason to fire Comey. He should have just fired him. No explanation.
As for tax returns. There is no obligation for a president to share his tax returns. He should just say he is NOT going to do that and move on. Why should he show them? That doesn't help anybody including himself, and only jeopardizes himself, and the country.People fail to understand that when our own libtard citizens and politicians attack Trump.. that just gives our adversaries in other countries ammunition to use against Trump. Why should other countries respect the USA when the people in the USA don't respect the USA?
The celebrity replied to me, saying that while he likes Obama, he does not like Obamacare!
Uh, how is that possible? That doesn't add up!For people like you, it is impossible for you to agree with Obama on anything, or disagree with Trump on anything.
That is not true at all. Obama didn't really do anything other than Obamacare and gay marriage, so it's difficult to agree with someone who did nothing.
And with that, you proved me right on the first half.
Trump gives too many explanations. The libtards don't believe his explanations and tear them down, so why give them explanations to begin with? He didn't need to give any reason to fire Comey. He should have just fired him. No explanation.
As for tax returns. There is no obligation for a president to share his tax returns. He should just say he is NOT going to do that and move on. Why should he show them? That doesn't help anybody including himself, and only jeopardizes himself, and the country.People fail to understand that when our own libtard citizens and politicians attack Trump.. that just gives our adversaries in other countries ammunition to use against Trump. Why should other countries respect the USA when the people in the USA don't respect the USA?
And with that, you proved the second half correct.
You want Trump to be a dictator- to do whatever the hell he wants with no explanation.
If it was Obama, you would scream about lack of transparancy.Hypocrite.
You defend Trump hiding his taxes when all presidential candidates make them public, and when Trump himself atacked Romney for not making his public, and swore that he would make his public.
And conservatives demanded to see everything about Obama, including old school tests and reports.
When Obama was president, conservatives attacked him relentlessly- does that mean they did not respect the USA?
Hypocrite conservatard.
And BTW- every time you use the term "libtard" it just shows how much of brainwashed moron you are. You are unable to engage in any civil discourse- all you can do is demonize others, you are incapable of ever listening to what they actually have to say.
You want Trump to be a dictator- to do whatever the hell he wants with no explanation.
If it was Obama, you would scream about lack of transparancy.You defend Trump hiding his taxes when all presidential candidates make them public, and when Trump himself atacked Romney for not making his public, and swore that he would make his public.
And conservatives demanded to see everything about Obama, including old school tests and reports.
When Obama was president, conservatives attacked him relentlessly- does that mean they did not respect the USA?
You are so full of it, it's coming out your ears.
I do not want Trump to be a dictator, however I do want him to be a president without the libtards dictating his actions like a senile old woman back seat driver.Some of Trump's tax returns were made public, illegally. Rachel Madcow even had a prime time special about them. Trump paid a LOT of taxes. It's not required for a president to produce their tax returns. I don't care if "everybody else was coerced into doing it". If everybody else jumped off a bridge, would you do it too? (probably).
As for Obama not producing things.. hmm… how did Sheik Obama become president and not produce a birth certificate until 18 months after being elected? That is beyond insane.
You say conservatives attacked Obama relentlessly? Really? Who? They did not. Obama got an 8 year free pass by the media and Congress. Nobody dared pick on him because they didn't dare being labeled as a racist.
Considering what Obama did for 8 years, he SHOULD have been attacked relentlessly, but was not. -
You want Trump to be a dictator- to do whatever the hell he wants with no explanation.
If it was Obama, you would scream about lack of transparancy.You defend Trump hiding his taxes when all presidential candidates make them public, and when Trump himself atacked Romney for not making his public, and swore that he would make his public.
And conservatives demanded to see everything about Obama, including old school tests and reports.
When Obama was president, conservatives attacked him relentlessly- does that mean they did not respect the USA?
You are so full of it, it's coming out your ears.
I do not want Trump to be a dictator, however I do want him to be a president without the libtards dictating his actions like a senile old woman back seat driver.Considering what Obama did for 8 years, he SHOULD have been attacked relentlessly, but was not.
That's what America is. We have a two party system here. That's how it works. You sound like you would be much happier in Russia or North Korea. They don't have problems like this there.
Obama was attacked every day for 8 years. You know that.