How to find guys to have sex/a relationship?
I am still a virgin.
So how do I find guys to have sex or a relationship with me?
What I used to do was ask guys I was interested in if they wanted a blowjob. It worked more times than not.
What I used to do was ask guys I was interested in if they wanted a blowjob. It worked more times than not.
Does this still work nowadays?
I don't know where you live, how old you are, and what kind of gay guy you are.
But yeah it is tough for gay men to find guys to even talk to or make friends with, let alone be intimate and close to.
I suggest going to gay clubs if your area has any? Joining some gay hobbies? Again I don't know where you are.
I haven't done that in several years. These days I like to go to nude beaches and other times I use craigslist.
i found my ex on facebook.