Port Forwarding MINI-Tutorial (updated 11/13/2017)
Hi, I created this short Port Forwarding topic, to add the link to this MINI-Tutorial to my standard collection of tips to help members maintain their ratio…
Since NOT having Port Forwarding achieved can severely impact both the ability to upload as well as download (quicker than your competition here {and start seeding new videos QUICKLY, while POPULAR!}) I thought it would be appropriate to include it there... And maybe be of help to our members, in general, here on the forum... here goes:
For the best results (and best ratio) here, check to see that you have port forwarding set up properly.Your computer is much more difficult to "see" on the Internet (IE your downloads can be painfully slow, and members have a harder time uploading to, or downloading from your computer), if your torrent client port is NOT being forwarded.
You can test to see if the port your torrent client is using is proper forwarded by using this web tool:
You can find your torrent client port number, by using the Options / Preferences menus of your Torrent Client (uTorrent, Vuze, etc.)If the web tool confirms that your Torrent Client port is forwarded… You're done!! Relax about this issue, no need to read further.
Port forwarding may be achieved by UPnP, or manually.
Port Forwarding via UPnP:
See https://www.google.com/search?q=port+forwarding+via+UPnP for an explanation and more information on UPnP port forwarding. (Note that the internal setup configuration of your DSL modem must have the "Enable UPnP" option turned on… you'll need the username / password for the DSL modem, and possibly the manual for that... to get into the internal menu configurations, to find that option, usually in the Advanced Settings menus...)In the example of uTorrent preferences, click Options, Preferences, choose "Connection" and CHECK the boxes for:
- Enable UPnP port mapping
- Enable NAT-PMP port mapping
- Add Windows Firewall exception
....and UNCHECK Randomize port each start.
This method all gets finished up with clicking the OK button in that window, then shutting the computer down, rebooting the DSL modem, then when the modem is finished booting... restarting your computer.
Once everything's rebooted... you can visit port-checking sites... such as:
…to confirm that the port you've specified for uTorrent is, in fact, "open".Manual Port Forwarding:
To set up the port forwarding MANUALLY in your DSL or cable modem or router… you'll need the user name and password to access the internal configurations of your router or DSL modem.Talk to your Internet Service Provider (ISP) to obtain these (user name & password).
You MAY need to download the full manual for your router or modem, off the Internet (search via make and model number) to be able to understand and figure out just WHAT menu accesses Port Forwarding, and how to set the parameters properly.
You can find what port your torrent client uses within its settings. Once you have noted this number, please be sure that the "randomize" option is NOT checked. Lastly, once you know what port number needs to be forwarded, and you know your computer's IP address, you can then forward that port both in TCP and UDP from your router to your computer.
The default port number for Transmission is 51413.
Consult your ISP tech help, or employ the services of a private computer consultant, if you need further help with port forwarding.
Good Luck!
Pawpcornedited Nov 13, 2017 to add to points (to include BOTH TCP and UDP in the forwarded port, and the default Transmission port) thanks to MrMazda.
edited Aug 28, 2017 to change to a different Internet port forwarding site, since the old one wasn't responding, at least today… -