How Can We Make The Forums Better?
I am starting this thread to get a feel from members on what you feel is right and what is wrong with our Forums. The Moderators have had a discussion on this very topic recently and we want to hear from you.
If you are reading this please help us out by responding.(It's shorter than the US census ;D )
Here is a brief survey:
1. What part of the forums do you like the most?(more than one answer is ok)
2. What part of the forums do you like the least?(more than one answer is ok)
3. Are the forums easy to navigate?(meaning can you usually find what you are looking for where you think it should be)
4. Should any parts of the forum be consolidated?
5. Should any parts of the forum be seperated?
Thanks in advance for your input! If it is a new section you think we need, please request it here and not in this thread. Again thanks!
GT Forum newbie here …. been a member for a while, but could never get to forums, until Helpdesk sorted me out the other day - Thank you!
(I wonder if the password change thing to fix the forum redirects should be put in the FAQ.
Don't know how common it is, but if you want people to come to the forum and keep putting off asking for help - like me....)Anyhow to business:
>1. What part of the forums do you like the most?(more than one answer is ok)
Pretty good, lots and I mean lots of sections…. like the 'stupid questions thread...'
>2. What part of the forums do you like the least?(more than one answer is ok)
Sticky sections seem a little large… Maybe a need to play with my settings, but to much vertical space is used.
Would be good to see more involvement, but I guess most people have other agendas for cominghere. Perhaps you should link torrent types / fetish/youngblood etc to an appropriate forum section. and have a link from the torrent browse. (I know you can comment, but if you want to build the forum...)
>3. Are the forums easy to navigate?(meaning can you usually find what you are looking for where you think it should be)
Yeah, can find stuff, don't really like all the scrolling though
>4. Should any parts of the forum be consolidated?
Some of the lesser used Themed movie/ TV stuff should be consolidated, why not spit it out after it gets too busy?
>5. Should any parts of the forum be separated?
Not found any so far…. but don't forget I've only been here the last few days though
Cheers... Shiggy
Anyone else wanna chime in? Your voice counts.
1. What part of the forums do you like the most?
I'll regularly look to see if there's anything new in the 'News' and 'Sports' sections, plus anything else that catches my eye2. What part of the forums do you like the least?
I couldn't single out something, if it doesn't really interest me, I won't bother with it. Just went back to add this … when typing in lengthy posts (like this one) the text box annoyingly jumps and scrolls all over the place, probably my setting?? Correction, its not just annoying it's bloody infuriating3. Are the forums easy to navigate?
I would have to say no, but then again I find that with similar message board/forums sites. I did notice recently that there has been a 'tidy' up of the sections which is an improvement. Is there a way of jumping to your favourite sections? I mean something that can be saved under your ID, rather than saving a section in you browser 'favourites'4&5 I've not put any thought as to what should be consolidated/condensed. I suppose when I get used to where something is, I don't want it moved ;D
General thoughts ... I guess the vast majority of people using the site are only here for the files. So....
a) they have to be more aware that the forums exist
b) there has to be relevent content (to them) that would entice them to the forums and keep them coming back(a) is relatively easy to do, as shiggy suggested, having a link in torrent pages to a relevent forum section would be a good idea for starters. (b) Keeping people coming back is more tricky. One obvious carrot would be some sort of seed bonus reward for a number of posts, but the downside would be potentially spurious posts to bump up your bonus.
It's difficult to know what additional interests should be added, without doing a lengthy survey. After a post in the Sports section by leatherbear a few months ago, asking if anyone wanted to start any other sports themed subsections, I have toying many times about requesting a rugby one. I don't doubt that rugby has a big gay following for many reasons, but the thought of putting the time & effort into something (and not just in a half-arsed way) and there being little or no interest, is off putting. I guess it's a chicken and egg scenario.It would be great to see more involvement on the forums, while maintaining the troll-free, pleasant atmosphere on them (which is pretty astonishing considering the abuse that's posted on even the more innocuously themed message boards around :D)
Just two replies? Anyone else. You voice really does count.