Help me practice my english…
Hi everyone!
I used to have a friend of Netherlands that talked with me almost everyday, but he forgot about me suddenly. We did it trough Skype (only voice calls), and that helped me a lot with my english, but now that he is gone I'm trying to find someone to talk with. Most people says that I write well enough, but my main issue is the pronunciation.
So, if anyone doesn't mind to talk with a stranger just to help him with english, that would be really nice of you. You could write me a PM to stablish contact.
P.S.: if you want to know more about me before reaching me, I already said some things in here:
Good for you, in your desire to improve your English, maybe in return, you can teach your would be correspondent(s), Spanish
Good for you, in your desire to improve your English, maybe in return, you can teach your would be correspondent(s), Spanish
I could try to teach, yeah… Haha.