"The person below me" game.
indeed. it’s 5:52 am here, and I have showered in a cold water feel frozen and make my breakfast at 6 o’clock. We shouldn’t waste too much time in the bed, there are much more important stuffs waiting.
the person below me is a sexy chef with fetish of food sex
Lol I am only decent in the kitchen… I have much to learn and practice. I am no sexy master chef like cteavin is :cheesy2:
TPBM owns a dildo
I wanted to bought a dragon dildo just for the sake of it, but got my PS4 instead. So none for the main time.
TPBM knows how to do a striptease.
No idea how but I know who to call if I wanna see one. ;D
TPBM is interested in the Golden Globe Awards and The Oscars.
First, I would like Cuervos to send us a link to some of his striptease photos. >:D Fuego, fuego!
Now, I am interested in both Awards, even though it is just a popularity contest. And, often influenced by the money and promotion used by studios.
That ugly toad, king of open bathrobes, and public masturbator Harvey Weinstein was a master at influencing the Academy vote. But that's over.
TPBM has a navel (belly button) that is more of an "out" then an "in."
Nope. I have an innie all the way – and I keep it VERY clean. (I once dated a Chinese guy who told me he never washed his navel, Chinese custom and all, which Ken seems to have confirmed.)
TPBM feels sexy as fuck at the moment.
Can't feel anything as for now. And no videos from me, nahaha @flozen!
TPBM is using stripped socks.
it’s cold and busy here, don’t have mood to fucking. That’s not a good idea to awake the sexy evil in me, so I must stop replaying chitchat board for a while. btw I would beat your swollen balls utill you beg for mercy ct.
the person below me sexually active all of the time
I'm not using stripped socks at the momment but my favorite pairs happend to be my North Face thermals – stripped but fun, they go up to my knees and are warm, warm, warm.
As for sexually active, not that much to be honest. I don't like random sex, so I take a partner for a while and...
(And the mental image I have is being fuckes so hard and long that someones balls are slamming into mine from behind -- I don't do S&M, so no ball busting for me.)
TPBM watches Lucifer (which has gotten really good this season).
not yet, it’s the first time hearing this tv program. maybe have a look.
the person below me have a big butt(ass) >:D
I'm sorry to disappoint kenjysn1, but people tell me a have a rather small butt. Kind of like a distance runner's butt.
I remember my mom looking at my backside long ago, and saying, "You could use a little more baking soda in those biscuits!".
TPBM has a piercing on his body, somewhere below the ears – or at the very least, finds it sexy... :whistle:
I'm sorry to disappoint kenjysn1, but people tell me a have a rather small butt. Kind of like a distance runner's butt.
I remember my mom looking at my backside long ago, and saying, "You could use a little more baking soda in those biscuits!".
TPBM has a piercing on his body, somewhere below the ears – or at the very least, finds it sexy... :whistle:
good humor to our butt, your mother is wise aged lady!
my butt is not very big too, I hope it become bigger, lol btw, my father have a bigger butt and very strong arms from his working as an iron pots maker, maybe I will get that when I’m in my mid age. hopefully
no piercing and tattoo anywhere. hate that stuffs, I really have a bias to tattoo and non ear piercing. I will feel uncomfortable when see a tatoo, :afr:.
the person below me growing beard in winter, lol crazy
Grow a beard? Only for a week or two then I shave.
TPBM has lied recently.
no, everyone knows I have a straight intestine here. means who can't keep and hide a lie in his mind.
the most difference between male and female, is that female have a most complicated tortuous in their mental, male is more simple towards an oppion.
the person below me need prepare some candy for the new year
@kenjysn1 – like ct, I have a 10-day beard now, that I'll shave at two weeks.
@cteavin -- I lied about being busy tonight, to avoid going to an art gallery opening -- an hour's drive.
And I love holiday candy and all sweets; but I don't make, i buy them -- or eat them at parties.
TPBM has broken a bone within the last 10 years.
I have never broken a bone. I've not even been sick since the late 90's.
And I've only ever had the flu as a young child. (I really should pass my genes on.)
BTW, you have to make candy corn someday – it's so much better homemade. It's just fondant but you can flavor it with really good vanilla to bring it out. I love doing it.
TPBM like Chinese food.
Chinese food is my favorite!! I am still waiting on Ken to invite me for some of his yummy homemade food.
@cteavin Your culinary skill never ceases to amaze me. Who knew you could make candy corn! But perhaps that is because I have much to learn in the kitchen ;D your food posts and photography on your blog are great btw!
TPBM has had sex in a public place.
Once I jerked off my bf on a nearly empty public bus, does that count? ;D
TBPM needs to make make the following: Caramel, Marshmallow, Nouget. Then combine them. It's not that hard…. TPBM does not need to buy such things because they are easily made at home.
Very nice words from drfox – do people call you Dr. Foxy? >:D
ct, I do need to make your recipe, but I might burn it without knowing the temperature and time on the stove top -- or in oven?!?
TPBM has rocked a "soul patch-only." (Having hair under your bottom lip – as part of a beard -- does not count, ct, so don't even start.)
no, there are less hair at that part, but I have a beard around my face from head hair. it looks like a circle lol. no sexy, even wild. woman told me I looks like a savage.
the person below me feel weird and shy to go to the public showerroom, bcos he have just shaved his pubic hair around the pennies.