Hi there! How’s the weather?
Were I'm at It's windy and slowly getting cold
A few clouds
41°F Feels like 34
It's supposed to rainIt's actually warm for this time of year since we got 8 inches of snow last week
It's already melted away but i'm sure we'll get a ton more soonhttps://www.google.ca/maps/@44.6084031,-75.7156207,3a,66.8y,188.48h,93.79t/data=!3m4!1e1!3m2!1sJfJvsQE_JWepaaLGW3qgVw!2e0?hl=en
Spring is ending quickly and the hot weather is arriving. It's been as high as 35 C (95 F) this week with an average of 31(88F ). Morning lows of 12 (53.6 F).
Have you ever notice that say 12 C (53.6 F) feels warm as a daytime low in Summer yet cold as a daytime high in Winter?
Its really nice