The New York Times in Trump times
Hi everyone,
For context, I'll just say that I like newspapers … a lot. I find them to be usually a tad more reliable than TV or, at the very least, I find it easier to see through their biases to get to the bottom of things.
I've also been following the US primary season avidly (I'm no US citizen, but since US political influence goes well beyond the US, I feel it does have something to do with me). I try to follow most elections all over the world because they're one of these rare moments when people are asked to say something collectively (weather they're actually heard is an altogether different matter :cheesy2:)
So to the point : Trump, the now presumptive GOP nominee, called the New York Times and many of its journalists many things (failed, failing, inaccurate etc ...) because he doesn't like the way the paper covers his campaign.
The question is : is the NYT really failing? Any numbers? High profile criticisms?
And is anything of what Trump says about the NYT covering him actually true?
Any general comments from NYT readers welcome (or any other US newspapers)Thanks a lot guys!
PS : Any access to the NYT? >:D