Is smoking a turn off?
It really depends on the person really. Me, I have no huge qualms about it as long as they don't smoke like there is no tomorrow. Not really a turn off, but not that of a turn on either.
huge turn off, the smell is huge turn off
what rising price ?? live in east europe you'll see it cost nothing.
try Australia then bud , where a packet of ciggies is about 32 AUD
Definitely a turn on. Well, for a non smoker to be into it that's not common and expected. I'm a smoker and find the smell erotic in a way, in videos or real life. I think it's way more common in european videos/culture than in the US.
they are videos and specialized site for "smokers" (guys smoking while the other one suck them and stuff like that) as obviously some people are fetishist about that.
I'd like to know some of these ;D
For a one night stand or a just sex hook ups, no. For a relationship, yes it is a turn off.
Yeah, it's disgusting. Mostly cause of the smell it leaves on your clothes.
To me, No it isnt as I am an occasional smoker. The taste and smell of cigarettes on the other guy, is awesome.
I never did like the smell of fags (cigarettes). The smell is a huge turn off to me. Mainly because I have really sensitive sense of smell. Things like perfume and stuff makes my head spin and etc. If it were a prop fag then sure, it'll be hot but once it's lit, it's a big no for me.
It depends on the person and maybe the type of cigarette. Some people smoke and you feel it when you kiss them and others you can barely tell the difference.
Smoking is a turn off, especially electronic cigarettes.
Smoking is a complete deal breaker. In primary school, one of my teachers showed the class a picture of the black lungs of a smoker. It was throughly disgusting.
It's a turn off for me.
Safe sex with a non-smoker all the way.
Yes, it is…and morning breath...
Smoking is bad breath
I do picture it as sexy, like, manly-mature-bad-boy-kinda
yet I hate the smell so idk -
Not at all!
Yes, it's like kissing an ashtray, the smell remains on me and my clothes for a while, I feel the need tho wash everything, me included, I chose not to repeat the experience.
im a smoker and was wondering if anyone finds it a turn off? im sure there are many! i dont even like it myself when im with a partner!
Cigarettes? Yea, unfortunately a huge turnoff even if you never do it near me. The smell and post experience that lingers everywhere skeeves me out, don't want it anywhere near a freshly made bed or towels. Sorry. Makes the sexiest looking people alive unkissable.