Today is a new round of negociations on the TAFTA / TTIP ? pro /against?
The TTIP is being discussed today .
What do you think about it?Myself: I'm against it, and luckily my country said they won't signed it as it is . The imperialism of the US is terrible.(a good exemple is when Obama came to the UK last week telling english that there will be retaliation if they exit the EU(tax on import to US).. while at the same time that Obama talks about interference "president says he doesn’t recall a ‘similar example’ of outside intervention" about Netanyahu and the Iranian nuclear program.) Signing this crap means the end of europe , americans have very low low standards of health safety (hormones given to cows, pesticides, bleach on chickens, regulation are based on money their god, gmo..). the worst thing is the fact that awful american companies could be able to sue a state, hence suing what the people of a country have decided to be the law. We already have enough of paypal/ebay /starbuck/amazon/google that dont pay a single dime of tax in our country ( this is about to change thank god but it's gonna take severals years) hence destroying our social securities, destroying employments by doing unfair competition and yet taking money from our government (a bunch of idiots thats for sure for giving out money to theses guys) to build their shitty hangar ( amazon). I will not surrender my liberty to the US and I'll happily die fighting for it. thank god I'm not alone thinking that, Austria voted for their patriotic party yesterday giving hope to us all.
I'm totally against these agreements (TTIP, TISA, and others). Secretive, completely undemocratic, and serve only big corporations. Everybody should oppose them. I hope it is possible to stop them.