How to deal with pathologic "new" torrents of already posted stuff.
the "duplicate" torrent description and report should be change in some manners.I've seen, specially for pumping muscle video, people who's trying to post as "new" three kinds of videos:
- cropped videos
- reencoded videos
- "compilations"
I understand that, a long time ago, with war formats of "DVD.iso", wmv, mov, etc. "reencoding" a video could be practical to transfer videos from one platform to another, and its acceptable, in some way even nowadays. But reencoded versions of mp4 videos should not be allowed given are "totally" cross platform.
Same happens with compilations. People is posting compilations of videos with lots of seeds of each individual video. Not adding all the information regarding the videos attached to mislead people. Those compliations should considered duplicates.
Finally cropped videos can be understood, as long as the final weight of the torrent is clearly a fraction of the original one (lets say 30%). Making a new torrent of a video because 15% of the original footage was remove should be consirederd duplicate too.
Please revise the policy about duplicated torrents.
- cropped videos
- reencoded videos
- "compilations"
should not be allowed
Reencoded videos when labeled correctly are not against site rules. Compilations are, by definition, a reorganization of video titles not normally found together in a singular location. This type of repackaging is allowed.
Not adding all the information regarding the videos attached to mislead people. Those compliations should considered duplicates.
Only certain parameters are required in a compilation's description area. (See Rule #9: "The description must contain a list of any video files or titles including their formats and file sizes..")
Posted torrents carrying pics depicting one title which are, in fact, another one entirely – are not in violation of site policy. This is considered an error to be corrected by site managers upon detection, at their convenience. (See note to Rule #11: "If pictures are wrong, it is helpful to add correct pictures and then report the wrong. Without added right, all staff can do is to remove the wrong or been (sic) left in doubt if the report is correct.")
Making a new torrent of a video because 15% of the original footage was remove should be consirederd duplicate too.
This is already site policy. Your recommendation of 15% would increase the currently allowed threshold by 50%. (See Rule #2: "A file is considered a duplicate if an existing torrent has the same format and similar size (<10% difference)")
The entire post was about rephrasing the rules…
The entire post was about rephrasing the rules…
That post represents the current thinking about the rules and as such, is much more instructive about what the rules mean as opposed to what the rules say. This is important because in the end enforcement of them is performed by people who are given wide latitude to interpret them according to their understanding of the context, and not necessarily the text, of the rules.