Hey you kids get out of that damn jello tree!
Memes, bah!
Meme generators, *@c%! them too.
There I am being my happy go lucky self on this new to me toy called imgur because two nights in a row my freezer made "Ice Spikes", it's a thing, it's cool, technically unexplained and just the slightest bit startling. I start posting some other pictures and all of a sudden my reputation grows and I'm like "Hey this is neat". Then I happened on the meme generator and this perfectly encapsulated the Sunday night I realized "no more Downton Abbey"
When all of a sudden I am informed my problem is not from the nineties. Hey what? Pretty boy there feels just like me and I lived through the nineties, I know for nineties problems, one word, grunge and then more words like mass produced grunge, god it was like what I imagine the sixties must have been to those who suffered that decade. Like did I miss the meme memo, how is that pic just for nineties problems, christ it's half way to porn for me, well you know, that ideal porn where the boy cries and then I use his tears for lube. I got mouthy and now I am so deep in the whole on imgur I hate those damn kids and their effin internet rules.
I'll have you know I am going to break the internet when I make the porn that disproves rule 34, I think. Or is the fact that I can't find that porn the part that should have those kids carrying around their bloody internet in buckets. Bah humbug.