Japanese porn and search bar
Hello, Ive been using the this site for a bit but I thought I would say hello.
I was wondering about adding catagories to the search bar… there are so many movies in some that it seems difficult to find some things. But Not a complaint, I understand if it is not possable.
I am living in japan and very intrested in the asian porn too, so if anyone out there uploads that would be great! -
what exactly is missing? any suggestions?
Some catagorys are very brod, especialy fetish, that could be anything. There could be wrestling or diffrent uniforms or many things…
I don't think there are enough entries in one category to justify splitting it… Perhaps a bit more practice with the search or better advance search, actors or something...
Perhaps best thing would be to better describe movies when people are uploading...regards
I don't think there are enough entries in one category to justify splitting it… Perhaps a bit more practice with the search or better advance search, actors or something...
Perhaps best thing would be to better describe movies when people are uploading...regards
Enforce a rule so people could be a little more descriptive of their torrents. I've seen descriptions that say: "Hot little video…" and many others that aren't that descriptive. What may be hot for some may not be hot for others.
lulz I'm a wizard :wizard:
Also use proper screen captures and dvd covers as per the rules.
I delete a lot of videos because people misname them and then don't include a proper picture.
As an example;
Torrent listing - fetish
Torrent name - Summer Sex
Description - hot interracial barebacking video from Eurocreme
Pictures included - none
Everything about this upload was completely wrong. Eurocreme videos aren't allowed anymore. It was actually a small, incomplete clip of a sex scene from BA's Frisky Summer 3.