About Gay and Religion
I'm evangelical and would like to know if you have or have some evangelical or Catholic religion that does not accept homosexuals.
Lately , I've been blaming too much about these problems like men and not women and think God will punish me
In my opinion you are reading more into this than need be. You have to remember when the Bible was written and the language it was written in, it has been translated many times and mistranslated, Big Time. I believe God is Love and he really loves us all. When judgement day comes, I am sure you will be welcome in open arms.
I do not know if a question and More In the Bible , because I can not tell if she had any change . I think the fact and geared more to the social . I see many exposing themselves , having sex as something so shallow . EvJO not as taboo , but also do not see how something not intimate . people are the most incorformado..sei leave me there … I am confused anyway :cheesy2: :cheesy2:
I am not evangelical or catholic, I 'was' moslem and it does not accept homosexuals either. When I was in your position, I considered two options: interpret myself what are written in the holy book and keep in mind that God loves me, or convert into agnostic. Finally I choose the second option.
former roman catholic turned agnostic-atheist here. all 3 abrahamic faiths (christian, judaism, and islam) all teach that homosexuals are an abomination to their god, hence all their teachings are heavily against homosexuality- its practice and its followers and those found out will be sentenced to death if the relious followers are to strictly adhere to their ancient holy scriptures (islam does kill homosexuals literally). this is one of my excrutiating mental and spiritual debate until i came to a conclusion that since the god of abraham wants me killed, i'd rather not have him as a god since there is no place for me in his "love".
surprisingly as i discovered on the way that a lot of people with physical defects wont be making it to heaven either if their scriptures are to be followed word for word without the benefit of mistranslation and personal interpretation. but thats no longer my business.
open your eyes, open your mind, open your bible and REALLY READ it. do not interpret it. read it just like you read an ordinary book.
you're welcome.
Your religion and your God hate you. Hate it back. That's my advise.
I was a Catholic when I was younger… once I realised how much bigotry, irrationality and hipocrisy there was within the Church, the Church's speech and the practitioners themselves I got rid of my useless faith. It was a great thing to do!
They say God is love, but this god of love can also hate. They say he is merciful but he orders those who are against him killed or condemn them to Hell. I'm an adult now. I don't take this kind of bullshit anymore. Most kids believe in Santa Claus, in the Easter Bunny and in the Tooth Fairy and cease to believe in them since they realise it is irrational to do so... It's a shame most people don't take the next step and get rid of God and Jesus too. -
Ok, here is a little thing. I am an Orthodox, and many priests(that are educated) from the Orthodox church are like: "Being gay is not a sin or a crime, and God loves us all". So really in these days these things should be eliminated. Since God is a being of love and everything good, there is no way He will hate His own creations. So really, people saying these weird $h!t on gays and sin and all, they are just not well educated on religions, and even if they are they are just having some really racist ideas stuck to their heads. God in every form and every religion does not hate people. Plus see it from point of view as well. Since God loves it when we love each other, then being gay is not a sin, since we will love our partner.
Of course all these are opinions of the view of the religion I choose…
God is a God of love and he sent His Son Jesus to free the Jews from the strict laws of the Old Testament. That is why his work and teachings are considered a New Testament. He said you could follow the Law and live and be judged by its strictures, or you could follow his teachings and be eternally forgiven, accepted and loved. Please read your Holy Books with common sense.