Bro Jobs - "Have a Banana"
This new book on str8 men having sex with str8 men seems to be producing continuing interest, at least online.
Personally, I have long felt that if not fucked up in the head, a man should be able to get off as much as he wants, and with anyone he wants, so long as it is voluntary, etc. Neither military nor prison "turns" a man gay, and there is no need for shame in having a good orgasm. But then, maybe that's just me. Still, the broadening acceptance of sexual options and an increasing willingness to take advantage of them has got to be a good thing, right?
We have our needs, and how we accommodate those needs is none of anyone's business but our own. Similarly, I've long felt that the purely physical sensations of sport fucking, are if anything even more sybaritic and sensually indulgent when separated from romance. In Victorian England, where a woman could not sit down where a man had rested, lest she feel his body heat (ooh– the depravity!), after a pleasant evening being completely frustrated under the stern eyes of a chaperon, a healthy, horny young buck likely finished off his evening at the corner whore house, which were as abundant as taverns or churches.
Today, there is no reason why after an expensive night out with a cocktease, why shouldn't the stifled horndog get welcome release from a close friend, roommate, or neighbor who knows what a man likes and how to provide it? Comfortably available in the privacy of one's own home, and without unnecessary courtship and seduction rituals. Also, not involving the risks of "cottaging" at some local t-room.
“Women are full of meaning,” says [Sex therapist Susan] Block “One of the things that men like about other men is
how meaningless it is. It’s just for fun.”==
Block suggests we take a look at our closest “kissing cousins,” the Bonobo. In her book, The Bonobo Way: The
Evolution of Peace Through Pleasure, Block explains that the apes often engage in what’s known as “penis fencing,”
whereby two males will rub their erect penises against each other’s.She told us, “They stop each other from killing each other by rub rub rubbing, until they come come come. And
then have a banana together or something,” adding, “I think there’s a very positive and certainly very natural aspect
to this.”