Most comfortable brand of underwear?
Any suggestions?
calvin klein anything for me
Bonds!!!! Hard to get sometimes but worth the effort.
Love my Calvins
Obviously Male have some great pouches for your junk. Gives your balls and legs some much needed alone time.
Banana Republic is fine, I don't know if it is also confortable
Jockey Y-fronts are supremely comfortable and they look hot.
Second best are CK original briefs and the original boxer briefs - they were brilliant.
I'm less impressed with the microfibre or blended ones - give me 100% cotton all the time! -
ck, hanes, and puritan
Calvin Klein Low Rise Briefs U1183 3-Pack is the best, in white, that you see on Falcon Studios. That is discontinued since Autumn 2014.
CK is great. Recently got a pair of Obviously briefs and gotta say its one of my favs. Another one of my favs is from 2eros the vivid line.