Any Simmers Here?
The Sims 3 or 4. Well even the ancient ones if thats what you into lol.
I haven't played any Sims games in a very long time (mostly due to lack of time, since these games always eat up the hours like crazy), but I am a huge fan of the series. Sims 1&2 were absolutely brilliant games, and I got my fair share of enjoyment out of the third one as well.
I must admit that I haven't played the fourth one yet. The lack of time is one factor, but I've also been meaning to wait until a few more expansions have come out.
I played the first Sims, but it overwhelmed me to the point I didn't know what to do or get the sims to do what I wanted. So, in idea, I would be all over these games, but can't. Oh well.
The Sims 1 was INCREDIBLE. The first of its kind. Sure, it's very basic and not as fun now, but it opened the door. I loved Sims 2, skipped 3, and now I'm playing 4–- but I need a little more content to fully enjoy it.
I am most certainly one.
I played Sims 1 a great deal, but skips Sims 2 because of things happening in my life.
I decided to start again just over a month ago, and look at Sims 4, but there was so little extra content in the way of expansions and mods.
So I decided to go with Sims 3, which in addition to the base game had 19+ official expansions for it and lots of mods (i.e. modifications – player-created content) to go along with it.
Using the mods I have a polyandrous of 3 men, 1 adult (a painter-writer Asian) and 2 young adults (a dark-haired hairy jock with blue eyes and an redheaded, Irish-American, IT werewolf.) The polyandrous relationship was very tricky to do -- I had to search for over a week all over the place for instructions on how to do one (finding many who had tried and failed). I finally found a way to do it and now they are husband and husband and husband and have been for several game weeks now.
I used various mods so they have everything for armpit hair to morphing cocks (of various sizes, of course) and pubic hair. I haven't found a way (yet!_ to be able to all make Woohoo together, so I will often have the Asian woohoo the jock; the jock will then woohoo the werewolf (in human AND sometimes werewolf form (talk about a beast!), and then the Asian will woohoo the werewolf guy (again, as human mostly and sometimes werewolf.) The Asian is a top, the jock versatile, and the redhead an omega, a bottom in both human and werewolf form.
(I haven't got to the mods for gay sex animation yet, but those should be coming to my game in a few weeks. ;D I have already downloaded the mods for them but wanted to get their relationships together ongoing and fairly stable.)
Oddly enough, ALL three of these started as NPCs who became playable ones along the way. I have made some edits to them along the way -- sometimes just for game practical reasons (have one who likes to clean-up and take care of plants for example, but generally I have tried to keep their traits and how they appear close to what they originally looked-like. (With cheats -- you can edit both player characters and non-player characters after they have been created.
Towards the beginning I had the Asian guy go to Sim University, living in a frat house where he meet both his future partners. He hit it up with the jock and started romancing him. The werewolf NPC at that time had as one of his traits Evil, for which he got annoying with the Evil laugh. The Asian almost had the jock ready to be proposed to (he was an NPC then) before the term ended, but, damn it, got sent back home without him. So once home the Asian called long-distance and invited the jock over for a few weeks (during which they became roommates) and after a but more effort, finally had the Asian propose to the jock who, of course, accepted.
So they then went back to University together -- and the werewolf guy turned out to be a friend of the jock, so he kept coming over and I thought, well, why not try for a threesome relationship. I edited out the werewolf's Evil trait and made him Good, which sure helped his personality a lot. Anyway, both the Asian and the jock started hitting on the Irish werewolf guy and had him fall in love with both of them -- then it was home again for all three (same house).
So they went back together to the University again and something happened and they got STUCK there. You are only suppose to be able to spend 2 Sim-weeks at the University, but somehow their stay went beyond it. So they settled in there for now. I have been expanding the town with more college-like places (tattoo parlor and dance club). Meanwhile, at the house they were staying at, a unicorn showed up in the backyard!
I looked online and read online players spend a lot of time trying to find a unicorn to see if they can befriend it so they can lead it home -- and here these 3 guys had one just show up it their yard! (I think it was the Power of Gay Love Times Three that drew the unicorn to them.
) Anyway the unicorn started being really hard to upkeep, so I edited up editing him (it was a male unicorn that came, of course) as well. His personality is more mellow and I also edited his appearance so he is white bordering on silver (he was white-ish to begin with) and his brownish horn is now 2 shades of purple. (Hey, he HAS to be a gay unicorn to show up at this married-threesome house.)
So, given all the expansions available, there are other towns (one a supernatural one) and a big city they can visit. They can also go to China, Egypt, and France. There are various islands as well, PLUS user-created worlds (one a post-apocalypse ) and the actual game offers trips into various futures. Plus they still need to get another college degree each. I don't think they want children (gay men can now get pregnant in the Sims) -- the unicorn is needy enough! Though the redheaded werewolf DOES want to get a dog for a pet (someone he can relate to); I am thinking German Shepherd.
Yes, I have no Life. Things have gone very bad in my Life over the last 15+ years; I am in my early 60s; I was forced to move to basically a shit town with NO gay life of any kind (after I have lived in a Liberal Big City for over 25 years), let alone anyone I have much in common with as perhaps a friend (in the over 2 years I have been here, after a lot of effort, I made only one friend -- who is anti-antisocial (just great!). I was never able to find a partner (I have been looking since by late teens) and given my age and my location now, that very deep hope of mine has become truly hopeless. But I have always been creative and smart and when I am not reading (a LOT), I have taken to playing Sims 3 to given myself of relationships I really do NEED since I am a very people-oriented person.
(I was in Second Life for 2 years, but I encountered there the same problem I have had in Real Life -- that being, I have as a person very little in common with most gay men and most certainly the gay community as a whole. I have sought out those who I do have more in common with -- in the science fiction community -- and then in the gay science fiction community which I had a large part in helping to create -- but, even there, I learned I really didn't fit in all that well.) sigh
So I play the Sims as a way of having what I could never find in my Life -- and right now, seem VERY unlikely to in my years left.
Oh, yeah, I also write short stories and such and have had a few things published. So this long post in nothing untypical of me.
Anyhow, yeah, I play the Sims.
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Yes, I am a hardcore Sims 3 fan. I have lots of mods, and all EPs, and most SPs. I am a huge fan of Midnight Hollow (The Munsters + Silent Hill + Addams Family) and love the crimson sky effect it brings. Drop me a line, and I can bring you up to speed on Sims 3 & 4. I'd also like to swap mods with you if you want, or at least links.
Loved the sims! Only played the first 3 though and definitely had many mods (naked, blur removal, attaching dicks on them, etc.). Haven't been able to play much in the few recent years mostly because of time commitment to other things :afr2:
I'm playing Sims 2 & 4, not a huge fan of Sims 3 though. I thought The Sims 2 was the best because it was so close to real life. It's like you were once a little kid then you grow up, go to school, have a first kiss (usually with a boy, ye), go to university, hang out with friends at clubs, gyms or travel. After graduation from university, you may have a boyfriend or a fiance (I like to make it with the professor of my sims, ye). You may return to your house, living with your parents or move out to a new neighbour, living in a apartment. Then have a job, maybe your own bussiness, open your own store, get engaged, marry to a handsome sexy man, have the first woohoo and then pregnant, give birth and take care of your own kids or maybe have a pet.
What I don't like about The Sims 4 is that our Sims don't have as many activities as in the Sims 2 like playing games, soccers, football, dance group, etc. I've been waiting for it but yet EA haven't make it in any updates or expansion. Hope they will make it soon. But I like the idea that you can go to work with your sims everyday. It's kind of fun to mess up with your boss, since you can't do that in real life :crazy2:
It's been a while since I last played the Sims. A few months ago I tried my friend's Sims 4, not really liking it. I like Sims 3 much more. I run my own dream life here
Sim City. My first foray, into Sims 2 was quickly met with dissatisfaction when my Sim couldn't figure out how to use the toilet >.> Then something probably caught fire and I'd had it. Officially.
But Sim City is fun when it's not trying to throw DLCs at me :3
**Through various mods I now have 10 gay guys (the game's normal limit is eight) – 9 YA (20s) or A (30-50)s and 1 teen), 1 dog, and 1 unicorn (all gay) living in a HUGE mansion on a 64x64 lot (the largest you can have) and all of them -- more or less -- married to each other. (I'm not sure what I am going to do about the teens relationships yet, though I have another mod that allows teens and adults to woohoo.
That mod is called the "Woohooer" and it allows you to sent all sorts of conditions (or not) of woohooing, including at what percentage of Like they have for each other before they have sex. I sent it too low (92%) at first and the results was that everyone in the household was constantly having sex with one another -- I never had time for them to do anything else. (The dog and the unicorn at least were not having sex, but I was worried.)
I have 4 werewolves (including then teen), 1 ghost, and 1 witch. The rest are humans. I did have a fairy, but he constantly turned on the stereo and dance; he would do nothing else. (I wonder if that was a subtle comment by the game-makers). So I had him move how and he is now happily couple with just one of the townies.
I did later find a mod the stops such music/dancing all the time which I did install -- as well as one that stops the characters from constantly playing video games! (HEY, SIMS! I don't want you living my life.)
The teen was going to high school, but there was only 1 other student in it (ex-bf), because I managed to end up having my sims live in the University town (which is suppose to be a "vacation" location) so there weren't any children (let alone a school for them). So I recently created 10 teenage sims, all human except for 1 werewolf (with German Shepherd), 1 merman, and twin ghosts (with ghost cat) so they would also go to school with him.
The merman teen I moved in with my merman couple and made him their son. I moved the twin ghosts and ghost cat in with a human Darrell Dixon (from "The Walking Dead") and made them father/sons (and cat), (All are gay.) Also moved the regular humans, including STRAIGHT boy and girl teens into other homes as well.) Gong to move the Teen Werewolf (cue movie music) and his dog into a home with a mean-spirited werewolf father, Biggs Badd [Wolf]. ha, ha
I did want to make this teen have a career as a prostitute (mods again), but it didn't seem to work. I am hoping now with other students I can made him the "school bike" – a term I had to look-up and found out it is basically "the boy/girl everyone in the school rides". This teen is based on a very young man I knew for several years who was thrown out of his home when he was 15 by his father and became a street prostitute to survive, later coming under the control of 2 pimps. He's now 21. The last I heard from him was 2-3 years ago now when he moved in (because he was literally starving) with a much older true, vile sadist who affectively brainwashed him (made him cut off contact with anyone he knew (including me) and keeps him house-confined. This monster has also seriously physically harmed him, including damaging his rectum and badly breaking his ribs -- and then prevented him for getting medical care. So this sim is an attempt to given "him" a happier ending.
(In RL, I never had closure in my relationship (deep friendship, no sex) with this young man and it still seriously depresses, frustrates, and angers me me I think of him. So attempted emotional-therapy for myself by The Sims.)
I also earlier had made up a Frat House of eight, all of them sims based on real-life actors, including Ian Somerhalder, Channing Tatum, Jason Momoa, Alexander Skarsgaard, and Jake Gyllenhaal. Rather queerly, all of them are gay as well. I have let them go off on their own (let a mod version of the game's Story Progression, i.e. gives all the NPC sims a Life), but do want to check in on them and make sure none of them have gotten pregnant yet. (Males can get pregnant in The Sims 3).
Again I used a mod to make my University town ("Simsville") about 90% homosexual and 10% heterosexual. I do have to do some editing, however, because I ended-up making The Grim Reaper gay. (gulp)
I still have NOT really taken any of my main Sims (The Wu Family) to the other game worlds (such as Asia, Egypt, France, Paradise Island (not the Wonder Woman one sadly), as well as "Into the Future". I've become hung up of all the relationships between these various sims.
I am hoping Really Soon Now I can end up moving out of this shitty town I was forced to move to over 2 years ago now -- I fucking HATE living here as there is NOTHING here for me -- so I might have -- perhaps a Life of my own again.
But I'll never have a Life like the Lives my sims have.
Lucky Sims!!!**
P.S. Yes, I am well aware this is all somewhat pathetic.
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And, NO, I have no idea why they are all thinking of a swimming pool. It was nothing I did.