What to Post??
My safety margin has just been wiped out by the DLing of an old post seeded by a lone member with a bandwidth that makes me green with envy [he sent me 1.7Gb in just over an hour & I could not UL as I was the only L].. & I am now only just above a ratio of 1.00..
The best way to increase it would be to post a movie or 2.. BUT.. I just can't figure out what the members here like..
A search for the usual "twink studios" [Triumvirate, Helix/8Teen, Tino/18Today,Gordi,Hammer Ent, Vimpex etc.] finds only a few or none.. I don't see requests for them in the "Requests Forum"
Does this mean that there is no interest in them.. OR.. that everyone already has them from other sites??As there is no "Torrents I can post" sub forum, is it allowed to post a list in the "General Discussion Forum" ?? or.. Post the covers & image grabs of the ones I can offer as an "Images" torrent?? [If YES should they be zipped or just in a folder??]
Of the studios you have listed, you will get plenty of leechers for those.
Before we switched to the new tracker, we had a much bigger selection, but many didn't repost them to the new tracker.
If you want to post "here's what I have to offer" thread, do it in the request section. But basically, you should just post them anyway.