What is 'Activity'?
File this under 'Trivia' but I've been puzzled by this for ages.
But what activity is the bar marked 'Activity' under my name in forum posts measuring. I currently stand at 89%. Is that good, bad or "who cares"?
And why do I feel that when I find out, I will look dumb :afr:
:cheers: I now have 100% 'Activity' and I still have no idea what it means
I thought it meant how active you are in the forums.
From my own experience, it mean how active someone in Forum. From my own experience, user with 90-100% activity, open at least 75% Forum threads and/or boards.
100% activity means that member has made at least 200 forum posts during the last 90 days (current configuration, to note that default configuration would be 500 posts in 30 days).
Thank you Popper. I think I had better have a lie down to rest
Thank you Popper.
Now I know why my "activity" decrease to inly 80% now :crazy2:
2222. have you been slacking
2222. have you been slacking
LOL! I'm always around. I think just already have to many posts :rotfl:
Wow….I better stop lurking and start posting again after a long hiatus. Excuse is that I do most stuff on my phone.
Yep...not an excuse...I get that...