Do you only date a certain race or it doesn't matter to you?
This is not meant to be racist, but it's your preference. Why?
We have no control over the race or gender of people who romantically attract us, which spells hopelessness for pedophiles. My dick points mainly at white, black or hispanic guys, and this offends certain other people.
Whatever force of nature determines who turns us on is a force that can't be ignored and is certainly not personal. You can't get mad at someone because he's gay, and you're the woman he'll never want; just like you can't get mad at someone who isn't turned on by Asians. No one's fault. Go with nature always.
For some reason, I like races other than mine with black guys on top spot.
Ironically, I live in a country where you hardly find races other than Caucasian. -
only with ASIANS
I like to have sex with guys who have a long but narrow dick…
Perfect for anal. But they must not be total jerks (the men I mean not the dicks). Race doesnt matter. Maybe this makes me a Dick-ist??
I noticed I seem to get in relationships mostly with whites, People with strong First Nations genetics (no less than 1/8th), Hispanics, Middle Eastern, and find some Asian groups sexy. I just have never been attracted sexually to Blacks and real dark skinned Hispanics and Latin American people. I am certain it is a hidden racial bias in my up bringing.
I'm attracted to mostly white guys but have found a few hispanic to break that rule. Don't know why that is persay. Prob just who I was attracted to when I was younger and it never changed.
It depends on the guy not the race or color of skin
For anyone who argues that race-based dating is "just a preference", it's worth watching this:
For anyone who argues that race-based dating is "just a preference", it's worth watching this:
Very important! Thanks!
I don't discriminante
Being caucasian,I prefer caucasian first but would never turn down any race if the guy switched the right buttons.I honestly do believe there is a slight fear of other races other than my own but not in a racist way.
It's hard to argue against the idea of preferences and for a lot of people it seems race is a huge factor.
But for me it has more often been about personality- the ability to hold a conversation and have a good sense of humor are more important than anything else if I'm looking for a relationship. So I would say race plays less of a factor for me.
It's not racist or discriminatory to be attracted or unattracted to a certain race. I'm a Black man and I've had guys tell me:
1. "Sorry, I'm just not attracted to Black guys."
And that's okay. Because to be honest, I'm not attracted to Black guys either! They've made no judgment on my race/ethnicity or character as a whole. They're just not attracted to dark skin or African features. And that's 100% okay.2. "I'd never date a Black guy."
This is usually because of some prejudicial preconceived notion about Black people in general. And that's NOT okay. Not being into Black men is one thing. Being flat out racist is quite another.That being said, my dating and sexual history is overwhelmingly White. Although just last night, I hooked up with a gorgeous Hispanic guy. I've been attracted to a few Black men and a few Asian men in my life (and various other races) and I certainly will again. But I'm most attracted to White men.
I think to rephrase the question as "would we exclude dating someone based on their race?" may get to the bottom of some of the murky waters because if inherently the answer to that yes then you have decided that race is a defining factor on finding someone attractive, your prerogative of course. I'm a white guy who has dated many "races" in a weird way I suppose a culture clash sometimes makes things more interesting, more to learn from, but some people click and some don't, but even so, a culture difference is not defined by being of a different "race". The culture or colour of a person SHOULD not be deemed as an appeal nor a turn off. Its simply just who we are in appearance. Having said that, its quite alright for me to sit here and state my opinion, but I'd be a hypocrite if I said I always practiced what I preached, because the culture or colour of a person can certainly be an appeal, but never has it been a turn off.
For myself I would have to say I'm color blind. Don't care what "race" a person is, but rather what kind of guy he is. Is he considerate of other people and their feelings is a big issue for me and frankly I have never given any consideration to whether a person was non-white, although I must be honest and say that it is mostly Caucasian men that I find the hardest to date mainly due to hearing from them "I'm not racist, but", which is a red flag for me. I was raised by parent who always told us that the only race was the human race and you don't judge a person by their color but rather by their actions! :true:
I'm kind of grossed out by dark penises…they just remind of poop. I can't really look directly at them.
This question in itself is full of sexual prejudice and negative exoticism.
I'm kind of grossed out by dark penises…they just remind of poop. I can't really look directly at them.
To this gentleman I would say, perhaps try and think of peanut butter and chocolate instead of poop next time.
I fancy all kinds of people across all kinds of races and types.
I don't disqualify entire swathes of people from my sexual interest just because of their race, because I'm normal and it's natural to be attracted to all kinds of people.
Just go with the flow -
Come on! The only thing I can think when I see a black penis is how happy I will be soon :cheers:
It's not racist or discriminatory to be attracted or unattracted to a certain race. I'm a Black man and I've had guys tell me:
1. "Sorry, I'm just not attracted to Black guys."
And that's okay. Because to be honest, I'm not attracted to Black guys either! They've made no judgment on my race/ethnicity or character as a whole. They're just not attracted to dark skin or African features. And that's 100% okay.2. "I'd never date a Black guy."
This is usually because of some prejudicial preconceived notion about Black people in general. And that's NOT okay. Not being into Black men is one thing. Being flat out racist is quite another.This is how I look at it, too. Hookups ought to be about fulfilling personal preference, not anything meaningful (kinda why I don't like them). Frankly, I will fuck most guys. I don't have any racial preference for what amounts to one evening of glorified masturbation. But I fail to see why it's an issue if anyone does have a preference for something so insignificant. They're just trying to briefly fulfill some fantasy, not affirm other people or build a meaningful relationship. So what if that fantasy only involves a certain race or "type" of person? Too bad. Get over yourself.
Hookups and "dates" are two very different things in my mind, though. I don't think of a date as a long-winded form of foreplay leading up to sex. I look at it as a chance to get to know someone. Not necessarily with sexual or romantic intentions, but to see where things go with a new person. Maybe they will lead to sex and/or romance. Maybe you'll just be platonic friends. if you're unwilling to go on a date with someone based on race, that seems quite racist to me, given my definition of dating.
I think, if you develop romantic feelings for someone who doesn't fit your preferences, and those preferences are the only thing stopping you from being being involved with them, then, yeah, that seems racist, too. At best, it seems incredibly shallow.
I'm kind of grossed out by dark penises…they just remind of poop. I can't really look directly at them.