How much porn do you have on your external hard drive? And does…
How much porn do you have stored on your external hard drive?
-or more?Does this make your relationship, if you're in one, better?
But you don't ask how many external drives I've got…
But you don't ask how many external drives I've got…
Haha… I was thinking the same thing. I have 4 of them... 2x 500 GB, 1x 1TB, and 1x 2TB... All mostly full of porn of various sorts.
I plead the Fifth ( we don't have a Fifth but it seems to work in films…)
After the first TB things seemed excessive. Perhaps I shouldn't mention the 100s of CDs and DVDs :crazy2:
That's because most North American made films are based in locations that are supposed to be in the United States. Under laws of the United States, the 5th amendment allows you a legal right to refuse to answer any question that by answering it, could be used in some way to incriminate yourself. So by saying "I plead the 5th", you are quite literally saying "I will not confirm, nor will I deny the question for fear of self-incrimination."
Given the way that said amendment is worded, the answer to the question does not necessarily have to incriminate you. You only have to believe that it may incriminate you in some way, regardless of whether or not it actually would. Proving what you do and do not believe is just as difficult as proving that you do or do not remember something if you say you do not recall. Since it's impossible, it's more or less a legal loop-hole that you can use to not answer any questions at all if you get arrested for something for example. In a case like that, my advice from experience is that it is in your best interest NOT to answer any questions you are asked when getting arrested, even if you have good intentions and did not do anything wrong.
Now MrMazda, have you watched all your porn?
about 1 TB i guess… I think I am addicted to watch new every night... Can some one please tell me how could I get rid of this addiction? I do not have any partner.. so may be I watch porn mostly...
2 Giga full of hardcore pleasure and another 2 full of theme movies with sex scenes.
Now MrMazda, have you watched all your porn?
All of it at least once…. Some of it gets put onto my frequent list for those times when I just need to rub one out quick and be done with it hehe
I have about 40 - 50 gb… and that's because I deleted a lot of videos some time ago.
Only 5.5gb…not that much :cheesy2:
About 3.75 TB… Does that make me an addict?
That of course is split across multiple hard drives, but there's at least that much in total.
Well, about 400GB ^^. It included yaoi manga, yaoi game, yaoi anime and gay video ^^.
I have too much porn. Everytime I go to delete some I always think I will want to watch that one again.
I have too much porn. Everytime I go to delete some I always think I will want to watch that one again.
How much porn do you have stored on your external hard drive?
Does this make your relationship, if you're in one, better?I see that most of us prefer not to answer your last question..
a little less than 500Gb