You have xx days left to improve your ratio (what would you do ? LOL )
:blownose:You have xx days left to improve your ratio before your download privileges are disabled. :blownose:
Aw that sucks :laugh: Have you got this before? What would you do?
I'm not looking for serious answers, just the fun ones like everybody give me 3 fun answers. I'll pick the best one and I'll reward him with something hehe.
here are mine
1. sell xxx; geez, there's a market for everybody/everything right? LOL
2. beg steal or borrow
3. suddenly be veri veri friendly to people here that I know -
1. Sell my sperm
2. Blackmail the people in power
3. Become Mr Mazda's sex slave -
1. Prostitute myself for a forum administrator
2. Adopt a tantric lifestyle that will no longer make me need compulsive consumption of pornography.
3. Steal my closeted cousin's porn magazines