Price - If someone paid you a million bucks would you do porn - p4p
I'd do it for half that much!
Being this question posted in a gay forum, means the porno would be gay. If that's so, OF COURSE I would do it! :cheesy2: Even if the other guy is ugly lol However, if you meant a porno with a woman… as much money as that is, I wouldn't do it.
Being this question posted in a gay forum, means the porno would be gay. If that's so, OF COURSE I would do it! :cheesy2: Even if the other guy is ugly lol However, if you meant a porno with a woman… as much money as that is, I wouldn't do it.
Beware that the crisis is not over jet..
of course, yes - even for 100k (that's still a shitload of money here ;D )
I am over 24 and the money is not the object for me, I would do porn. I do not understand why many people have a problem with nudity and sex. I am at a lost. We came into this world nude and we will go out the same way. We all have the same Penis, Vagina or Tits, and it not like they are something new. We all have sex, how do you think we came into this world. I am pretty sure your mother is not the Mother Mary. Do not get me wrong, I understand why we have clothes and they should be worn but what is the problem people have with the human body? I baffles me when people get all embarrassed over seeing a nipple, someone crotch outline through his pants and what not. Sex is just sex, Making love is another story. I think everyone should be allowed to have sex, do porn whenever they like as long as they are not in a relationship and if so then it has to be in an agreement between the two.
I'd do it but I wouldn't understand why anyone would want to see me have sex cuz I'm ugly and hate myself.
Yes I would love to do it :cheesy2: so anyone in England want to do it LOL!!
I'd do it for like $30 million. I've calculated that's how much I need to live an awesome life.
Im 25 and id do it. my bf probably would to and hes 28
I'd do it but I wouldn't understand why anyone would want to see me have sex cuz I'm ugly and hate myself.
Why are you so pessimist?
For 1 million maybe yes… everyone probably will understand because I did it... but this sadly is very far from reality... I tought about camming withour showing my face and this can be done, but before I have to get in shape... I have some fat in my upper body (chest, belly and back...) that make me don't like myself and I wouldn't show this to others...
anyone who says no is lying
Yes sure but must wear a face mask. Nobody knows it is me even though my friends watching. :hug2:
For a million quid? Of course. Anyone saying they wouldn't are just lying
For a million, you bet!
Pay for Porn. 1 gay adult movie. You have to get "it" up your ass and bareback (clean and tested). Would you take a million dollars and do the porn movie? And you're the age of 18-24, so it means you will have to live with this openly or secretly for the rest of your life. Guys older than 24 may answer as well.
Yes, and I'd do it for a lot less than a million as well. lol :crazy2:
:surprise:I could do the porn for the going rate of about $10K for the big stars! I would not need a million!
Yes, I would do it. I don't plan on running for office.