Dealing with women (closeted)
Any closeted guys have advice for dealing with women who express dating interest in you? I'm not out and don't plan to be, so please don't suggest that
I was recently approached by a female friend at a party who asked if she could set me up on a casual date with another mutual female friend of ours. I was kind of taken aback and didn't really know how to react, so I just said yes and now I have to go through with it lol. I don't want to hurt this girls feelings but not sure how to deal with the situation.
I also get asked a lot why I don't date, aren't I looking to get married, etc. Never really know what to say! I figure eventually people will accept that I'm a "confirmed bachelor" but at 29 I think the next few years are gonna continue to be full of pressure to date/marry.
Just try and be unattractive to females, maybe you could tell them that you're a total player and don't do foreplay.
I'm passing through the same thing, but I'm a teenager
I'm staring to hate girls at this point, looking at me, it's been a while this is happening. I'm even jealous of feminine guys, cause everyone look at them and just know they're gayI know that feeling bro!
Simple, just say no. You don't owe anyone any explanation. If you feel compelled just say "At this stage of my life, I don't want to date anyone. I'm focusing on myself or my career."
I do not know the details of why you do not want to come out… perhaps it's bad in your country, perhaps some other things... you will have to just say to them sorry you are charming and all that but there's no click here in my side, not your issue but mine...
next time say "I'm sure she's a great girl but no thank you, I'm not interested"
you don't owe them any bigger explanation than that, it's not rude to say no. Incidently, you don't have to "come out" with the rainbow flags and gold hotpants to be honest about who you are - not coming out and being in the closet are two VERY different things. being in the closet sucks and leads to uncomfortable situations like this (I remember them well from my Uni days) but being honest about who you are doesn't mean everyone has to know your business. think about it.