Files Within Torrent
Hey everyone. I was wondering if it was possible to find out what files are located in the torrent without downloading it. I want to upload some mp4 files for MACs, but I'm not sure what files have already been uploaded with the same torrent name.
Sorry if this has been asked or if there was another post somewhere answering this. I've tried looking for it.
Comf -
Hi Comfortable,
you can always point your mouse on the "file" description ( column "Size/Infos" ) on the search page ( ), or open the depending torrent - page and scroll down to "Num files", to click on the option "see full list", to see the included files of the torrent.
If you are unsure, if the file already has been uploaded ( maybe with a different name ), you could as well compair the file - size ( list your search with the option "sort by size" ) after you searched for a file and inlcude as well the option to search in ALL torrents, when you search before uploading a new torrent. Be aware that some people don't name the files after their torrent, so it is often enough the case, that the file - name has nothing to do with the files in the torrent…. sad... but you can't force the users to name their files rational to the torrent.
Thanks for the help!