Cut or uncut and why
No preference, just keep it clean
I prefer penises that are not cut or intact with a foreskin as there's more you can do to give and get pleasure.
Cut penises just look odd to me, and I feel bad for men who had it done without their consent.
I don't really mind. I would never encourage anybody to do it though unless there was actually a medical reason for it. Doing it to an infant because you think they might neglect their hygiene in 13 years time is a gross overstep or because you personally prefer them that way is a massive overstep.
I was even told by a woman that she would get it done to her son so that he wouldn't enjoy sex as much. What kind of messed up thinking is that?
Uncut, no big reasons in my case, I like it uncut, it's like having a banana that's already been opened, it's less interesting, that's all.
uncut, love the smell
I like both… The only thing I completely dislike with uncut dicks is if a guy can't pull his foreskin back all the way cause then I can't suck his head and so I can't suck such a dick.
Cut with the frenulum removed.The sight of a solid bare cockhead gets my juices flowing.