Would you date a smoker?
I would even though I'm not a smoker. If he respects my personal space and he doesn't smoke inside, or in the car and cleans cigarette butts after himself, I couldn't give less fuck whenever they are smokers, or not, so sure, why not? I wouldn't kiss him when he has smoker's breath, so he would have to take a breath freshener first. I prefer to not make out with an ashtray.
I think I would. As long as he is a good person that is. But if I were to be in a relationship with a smoker, I would sure help him stop smoking, even if he probably didn't want to. I'd tell him how smoking is bad for himself, others around him and a waste of money
no, it's like kissing an ashtray!
Personally no as I'm now a non-smoker and don't want to be tempted to smoke again