Ratio not updating?
Hey I just uploaded two torrents and additionally downloaded and reseed some freeleech (to raise my ratio)
This is the image of my ratio in the attachment, You can see I have uploaded 3.34 GB and downloaded only 187.43 MB and my ratio is apparently too high 18.246.
But in the ratio tab when I click it it says (and you can see in the image) "Your Current Minimum Ratio is Highlighted" and it has the 0.2!
Is this because the 18.246 that I have is not listed so this page doesn't really show anything or is it some sort of a bug?
:cheesy2:Don't worry skatariolis "Rationator Explained" isn't
Your real ratio is the one beside your entry and in your profile (the one beside the wide-eyed smiley )
The 0.2 is based on the rules for someone who has up/downloaded the amount you have. What it means that this is the minimum ratio you need to stay above before the site software starts monitoring you.. You are way above this amount and should have no worries.
They are two different meanings. Carry on sharing and thank you
Hey I just uploaded two torrents and additionally downloaded and reseed some freeleech (to raise my ratio)
This is the image of my ratio in the attachment, You can see I have uploaded 3.34 GB and downloaded only 187.43 MB and my ratio is apparently too high 18.246.
But in the ratio tab when I click it it says (and you can see in the image) "Your Current Minimum Ratio is Highlighted" and it has the 0.2!
Is this because the 18.246 that I have is not listed so this page doesn't really show anything or is it some sort of a bug?
The highlighted line in your rationator output is based solely on how much you have downloaded. Â You have downloaded less than 2G (as you said, you have only downloaded 187.43MB) so it highlights that line because 187MB is less than 2G.
The line highlighted in rationator is your goal. Â You are currently WAY OVER your goal, so congrats. Â
 As you download more, your goal will step further down the list in rationator… and your goal ratio will increase accordingly.  So long as you stay above 1.05, you'll gain access to power user status and all will be well with your membership on the site.
So in summary:
 You current goal ratio is 0.2
 You currently are way above this at 18.246Enjoy the site and keep up the good sharing
I am having this problem too… I have seeded a lot of files for days and my ratio doesn't seem to improve. I didn't download many files recently... It's just as if the share ratio had frozen.
I am having this problem too… I have seeded a lot of files for days and my ratio doesn't seem to improve. I didn't download many files recently... It's just as if the share ratio had frozen.
The files you are seeding have ZERO leechers that is why. Check your torrent page for the # of seeders and leechers.