File extensions
If you download a zip, iso, gzip etc., there's no need to extract just use VLC player.
While that my be true, per Upload Rules>
8. Do not upload VIDEO packed in archives (zip, rar, …), password protected files, or material that needs to acquire a license for playing
(I use jZip to extract when required)
I had seen someone asking how to play iso files maybe they didn't get it here.
I had seen someone asking how to play iso files maybe they didn't get it here.
Direct this person to the HELPDESK (on the blue bar) or here>>
10. We only allow exact copies of DVD Videos in image file (.iso, .img) or DVD folder structure (.vob) format so the downloader can keep it in it's original format or convert it to another file type with little quality loss.
He/she should probably start at the beginning tho to assure they don't miss something relevant. Also I'd suggest reading other parts of the Forum, GUIDES in particular > and FAQ. The answers to most questions can be found in one of the resources mentioned.