I think im bisexual
i think im bisexual has interest in both girls and boys but prefarbly with girls and only watching gay porn makes me good is it normal
It might be best not to get too hung up and worried about labels. I think sexuality can be a fluid thing which changes over time, or how the individual is feeling or what opportunities arise at the time (no innuendo intended
My sense is lots of 'straight' blokes who never go on to do anything about it watch some gay stuff or even just other blokes jerk off on xtube. I don't think there is often concious choice involved but who knows if the'd met the perfect man at the right time their life may have taken a different course.
I think most people here would say watching porn is not harmful so I wouldn't worry too much.
Enjoy it!
i wish i could be bi… last time i had sex with a woman was in 1997...
It's completely normal. Like most people say, orientation is really broad, and there are many different orientations. Society is finally starting to realize that. Besides, people change, so the same can be said to orientation. One day you could fall in love with a woman, few years later, could start liking men. I knew I liked guys since I was five, though I also had a crush on this girl in junior high and honestly wouldn't have mind marrying her if we were older. Except she moved away during summer without notice. If you like women, go for it, same with men. Just remember, second chances don't come by very often, if you feel you want to spend the rest of your life with a certain person, don't let gender or peer pressure get in the way. Of course, just make sure you planned everything out, just in case it backfires.
I think I'm the only one on this planet that DON'T believe in "bi" term.
If you look up the Kinsey Scale, even though there are option between Exclusive Heterosexual & Homosexual pole, there is no scientific term for them to be called as "bi".
I always think that a dude who called himself as a "bi", is actually gay but not really accept the reality. I'm sorry if I said my words in a harsh way. Its just my opinion in response of your term as "bi", and honestly, I'm a bit disappointed that you said "only watching gay porn makes me good is it normal".
Don't get too hung up on labels. I agree with what was previously said. I am a gay man with 2 natural children, meaning I actually had sex with a woman to make them. Even so, I still consider myself gay. Whatever you like is what you like. I love straight porn, and even sometimes venture into lesbian porn. It turns me on. Period. Have you ever thought about trying something with a guy? If so, thats perfectly natural as well. If I had a dollar for every straight guy that has told me that they wanted to sleep with me, i'd be rich. But does that make them gay? NO!! It is natural to be curious about these things, and if more people were open minded and not so stuck on stereotypes, I feel that more straight men would venture into what we call the gay world. Do what you like and try what you like, as long as it's not hurting anyone, or imparting on the rights of others ie rape.
Yeah, fuck teh labels. I like girls too, I like fucking them, but straight pr0n bores the fuck out of me. Boys are fun too, and for whatever reason, I find the porn to be way hotter. Sexuality is often more complex than a one-word label can properly convey.
everyone has their own "normal", which is there such a thing as normal?
 and like everyone is saying, don't worry about labels and just have fun. go team fun!
I am muti sexual. I just like to fuck!!
I am muti sexual. I just like to fuck!!
never heard of multisexual
you like to fuck even animals -
I agree with everyone else about not worrying about labels. I also agree with the fluidity of sexuality. Open minds and honesty with self is all that matters.
I agreed with the fluidity of sexuality. I have been in a relationship with a woman for many years, I have had sexual encounters with men and I enjoy/prefer male/male porn over male/female porn. I enjoy sexual experiences with men, but not penetration. That may change, and I am always open to that possibility, but I am sexually satisfied in how I live my life. There is no such thing as normal anymore, we can be sexual in many different ways! There is no reason on earth to have to identify yourself based on sexuality.
funny how some refuse to except bisexuality but demand acceptance of homosexuality
but whatever,
you dont need to be defined by a label , its fluid , you are you bisexual pansexual homo , hetero its all fluidwhats important is the level of integrity you have for yourself , experiment !! have fun with your sexuality
we only live once ,Society is hellbent on placing everyone in little boxes within boxes , why do it to yourself :blink:
date whomever you want , in my relationship past ive dated both transmen and women , cis females and males and its all been fine. -
Sometimes I also think I'm bisexual
And it used to drive me crazy, so I just stopped labeling myself -
Bisex is the best :cool2:
Yep, just enjoy what you like and don't worry about.
There's no need to put yourself in one of the orientation boxes.
Bisexuals are HOT! just sayin'