Personal referral link still active despite taking it down.
I posted my personal referral link in January at a couple of places on the internet.
I recently decided to take down the links for a while.The two links i posted - one at Gay-Torrents-net and one at GTN were removed without issue.
I discovered i couldn't remove the one on my Yahoo answers because there is no delete capability. However someone left a comment saying the link did not work. I have no way of testing myself if my personal referral links work or not as if i click them they always take me straight into the site.However i have continued to receive notifications of new referrals using my link and i do not know how this can be happening. Is it possible someone can just copy and paste a posted link and take it elsewhere and make it there own ? I did a Google search and only the yahoo answers link comes up which is supposed to be dead.
It's possible i may have posted the link somewhere else but i honestly have no memory of posting it anywhere else.
What should i do ? Do i need to request to get a new membership affiliation programme personal link in order to invalidate the one currently ascribed to my account ? I'm not really sure who to turn to to solve this issue. Can mods track the location of personal referral links when someone uses them to sign up ?
Sorry about this - i took great care managing it when it was active but i never thought i would have this issue.
Any advice welcome.
Moderators can't follow-up the origin of the site from which a visitor comes using a referral link.
As long as you keep your user ID, the link will continue to work and sign-ups credited to your account. The referral link can be copied and reposted by someone else on other places, but it will bot be "his" it will remain "yours".
I am not sure if we can change the referral link at all. As far as I understood, it contains the user ID of your account in an encrypted way. That you still get the PMs and the 250 SBP rewards proofs the link is still working and accessible somewhere.
I'd suggest you write to the Helpdesk and it should then be forwarded to the Administrators. Not sure if they can do something.
hi guys, just wondering if you can tell me location of refferal link. i want to invite one of my friend on GT.RU.
Look on the "Affiliate" page in the blue menu band and don't abuse it for duplicate account creations (it will be detected)
I didn't think the Affiliate was working. I though it was back to personal invites. I am probably wrong