Health system in your country
What kind of health system is in your country? Please write the country and the system (plus anything else you want to say about your or other countries health system)
Basically write if it is
public, government regulated system (you pay taxes and get more or less free health system)
private, commercial system (you pay to insurance companies)I start
We have public health system, we pay taxes and get most of the treatment free. Drugs cost, but there are some compensated. And you HAVE to give bribes to doctors. If you wanna live that is
You forgot the country.
Both public and private. Generally if you want better service you have to go with the private one.Medicines are hardly ever subsidized, but there has been a movement towards generic medicines that don't cost quite as much.
No bribes to doctors necessary.
Normally if you're working for a corporation they also try to provide you with some form of health coverage, so you have to pay much less for any checkups, tests, and procedures. Usually it's free for those three, unless you've managed to exceed the company's allocation for your healthcare.
Here in Italy we have two differente health systems:
public, made by government plan
private system
Unfortunately, sometimes public health care is not the best and some people died because of accidents made by doctors or nurses. In the North of Italy you have the best hospitals, the best and improved clinic, same in the middle of Italy; in the South you have old and creepy hospitals and health care is the last in the italian list.
Private system is the best you can find, and our premier, Silvio Berlusconi, during his last 5 years in front of italian people confirmed that he prefers private clinics and that he doesn't give a fuck of public schools or hospitals. Meaning, now public buildings are on the verge of collapse while private matters are full of bonus.
Well in the uk we have universal health care. That includes well everything. But we have to pay a lot of tax, a lot! I would say it is very good some people would disagree i don't know why
drugs are free if you are under 18 or over 60 but they don't cost much the have a set price for everything no matter what it is and its not much. Say im not feeling well i can normally get a appointment the next day or sometimes that evening but that my just be because where i live the service can change in quality depending on where you are in the country which is not very good i suppose. But the government are having to make a lot of cuts in all the public services so who knows what it will be like in a few of years.
Brazil has public and private healthcare.
Public healthcare is horrible. Some cities are accepting cubans to work as doctors, some of them very unprepared. -
We got public and it rocks. Really really good hospitals. Everything is free. you must pay like 150$ a year if you go to doctors a lot, everything above is free. There are some wait times tho.
I even got my ACL AND meniscus surgery for free! including MRI fysio and everything ⊠AND free gym membership before and after surgery .... I think that cost like 200 000 $ together... I just had to wait 2 months for the surgery, I'm really happy with it.
The Netherlands here,
Private healthcare, though if you are below the age of 18 you get free healthcare through your parent's job insurance company. After 18 you have to find an insurance company yourself, but you can apply for healthcare allowance, approximately 70 euros a month. The current healthcare system I have costs 83 euros per month. The fee you have to pay every year is around 325 euros, in case you have a docter's appointment or have to go to a specialist/ hospital. The cheapest basic package covers a lot of medical treatments, and you can always get a more complete package or an additional package for an extra fee. When I was 10 I got a cochlear implantat and healthcare covered pretty much everything, the surgery, the implant and the one week stay at the hospital. In the end my parents had to pay around 3000, but the overall cost was at least 10x as much.
Having deafness and nearsighted I've got compensated quite a lot. -
In Sweden and all scandinavian countries healthcare, dental, vision etc., is almost completely covered because the taxes so high. drug cost ceiling of 2,200 SEK (325 USD, 195 GBP) per annum. hospital stay 80 SEK (8 EUR) per day. plus 16 months at 80 percent of pay for both parents if you have a child.
En SuĂšde et tous les pays scandinaves, la santĂ© publique, et pour la dentale, et pour la vision, c'est presque tout payĂ© par le gouvernment grĂące aux impĂŽts hauts. Il y a un maximum pour les drogues de 2.200 SEK (325 USD, 195 GBP) chaque annĂ©e. L'hĂŽpitalisation coute 80 SEK par jour. Le gouvernemnt paie aussi les parents pour ĂȘtre en congĂ© de maternitĂ© pendant seize mois avec 80 pour cent de leur traitement.
I Sverige, och alla skandinaviska lÀnder, hÀlsovÄrdssystemet Àr nÀstan helt betalas eftersom skatterna Àr sÄ höga. Drogerna hÀr en högsta kostna av 2200 kronor per Är. En sjukhusvistelse kostar 80 kronor per dag. Regeringen betalar din lön i 16 mÄnader för bÄda förÀldrarna om du har en baby.
Taiwan, also been said it has the best healthcare in the worldâŠ
We have a public insurance scheme that all citizens and residents must be a part of, costs about $20 USD a month or more, depending on your income. For that the cost to see a doctor for most things are really cheap. For example, a CAT scan costs about $15 dollars, X rays costs the same, etc.. Medicine is also subsidized and is very cheap for what they are. You can go to a hospital, get a CAT scan, X ray, Ultrasound, get prescribed medicine, and your bill comes to about $30 total. The only problem is you wait a LONG time to see a doctor if you walk in because people here will see a doctor if they get a slight fever or cough... and so doctors must sort through all those "cold symptoms" and find the more serious conditions to treat (the "cold symptoms" patients are given cold medicine and sent on their way). This can sometimes mean that diseases go undiagnosed, especially when some diseases have cold like symptom.
There are also doctors that do not participate in the healthcare scheme and they do remind you how much healthcare should normally cost! Private insurance are available and are often life, accident, and medical insurance all rolled into one. They cover what the public scheme do not cover.